ABB Vzduchové jističe EMAX E1-E6 Montážní návody a manuály (03)

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Vydal: ABB s.r.o, ELSYNN Autor: ABB ELSYnn

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Poznámky redaktora
4.4.2 Trips The following example page showing the latest trip.6 Contact wear This submenu shows the percentage wear the contacts.4.. The page shows the values for the type protection that has been tripped the example).1. You can access said page selecting Trips via the path Measurements Historicals / Trips.g. 79/108 .3 Events The following table shows typical page concerning the latest events Log.1.4.4. Last Trip Meter: counts progressively .1.1.4. second- last -1) Events Log 01 J 10, 3 O Vaux On 1 14. 1 1/2 Enter J Energy counters ESC + Enter J Energy 2/2 1 Energy counters 0 kWh Energy counters Reset counters Reset counters 1 Energy counters R eset counters 14.15 billion kWh..4. The energy meters' end scale approximately Energy The unit also provides meter readings the total active energy the system.2. Meter: indicates "Last" and measures the previous ones according -1, -80 progression (e. Historicals Measures 1/7 Historicals Energy Contact wear Trip, easures, log A whole range measurements accessible from the "Measurements/Historicals" menu.1.1. 14. The meter can also reset pressing the "Reset meters" key the menu. 65,535) the date J 200 w of the latest trips reset. You can access said page selecting Events via the path Measurements / Historicals Events. For the ranges and precisions see par.1. The minimum value that can displayed 0.4.4 Measurements This menu for showing the following measurements: I Max Maximum current P Max Maximum active power P Mean Mean active power U Max Max line voltage U Min Min line voltage Reset Reset measurements 14. Model L3447 A pparatus Emax DC S cale D 1SDH000635R0002 Page No. shows the latest trips which L Protection can still selected.001 MWh .3 Measurements Menu table For the sake simplicity the table refers the Measurements menu Parameter Function Values Notes Historicals Trips List trips Events Measurements Maximum current Maximum active power Mean active power Maximum voltage Minimum voltage Reset measurements Mean power Events log Energy Energy meters Reset meters Contact wear Percentage contact wear 14.14.4 Measurements Menu 14. I1: A — Time (in hours and minutes) when opened 14.9