ABB Vzduchové jističe EMAX E1-E6 Montážní návody a manuály (03)

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Vydal: ABB s.r.o, ELSYNN Autor: ABB ELSYnn

Strana 212 z 660

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00 step 0.9 Load control function Single loads can enabled/disabled the load side before the overload protection intervenes and trips the circuit-breaker the supply side. The passage from set set can made when there change in the mains configuration when there emergency capable changing the load capacity and the short-circuit levels.4); - with time that can specified set set after the circuit-breaker has closed; - depending Vaux being installed.1 Protection “UV” When the minimum phase voltage drops below the set threshold U8the protection counts down the preset time interval and then opens.2. For instance, can connected auxiliary contact bus-tie; - communication network, means the PR120/D-M (e.1. fact, the case where the circuit-breaker is open and current detected, the timing leads the "alarm" state and not "TRIP". The second set parameters (set can replace the default set (set means external com and.9.2.2 Protection “OV” When the maximum phase voltage exceeds the set threshold the protection counts down the preset time interval and then opens.10.9. 13. when the switch scheduled); - directly from the user interface the PR123/DC (see settings menu par. The threshold indicated percentage "Pn", where "Pn" is the nominal power the circuit-breaker. In operation, the state (set and set indicated the display.9. The function active when auxiliary power supply power PR120/V-PR120/LV module present (see par. 13.5.2. The allowable values are given the following table: Warning current 0. The second set parameters (set can enabled by: - digital input provided with the PR120/K module. This because the fault linked the voltages can persist even with the circuit-breaker open and the unit would therefore always under "timing". Model 3447 A pparatus Emax DC S cale D 1SDH000635R0002 Page No. When the total reverse active power (sum the power the polarity) exceeds the set reverse active power threshold the protection counts down the preset time interval and then opens. When the circuit-breaker closed the passage of a current detected, you pass immediately from the state "alarm" "TRIP" without timing. 13. Thresholds LC1 and LC2 are expressed percentage Ifl (current threshold specified for protection while the "warning current" Iwis expressed as absolute value.10 Voltage protections “UV”, “OV” The PR123/DC unit provides voltage protections, which can disabled, with fixed adjustable time k), active both with self-powering and with auxiliary supply: - Undervoltage “UV” - Overvoltage “OV” Apart from the normal timing and "TRIP" operation, the voltage protections can state defined "alarm" (with the "emergency" led and an alarm message displayed) providing there auxiliary PR120/V module power supply.g.2. 54/1 08 .5. The current thresholds are lower than those available with the protection that the load control can used prevent tripping due overloads. 13.30 10.13. The operating logic involves the activation three contacts when the preset thresholds LC1, LC2 and Iware exceeded.05xIn Threshold LC1_______________ 50% 100% step xI, Threshold LC2_______________ 50% 100% step x^ From the PR123/DC you can associate each the PR120/K PR121/K contacts with configuration (NO NC), delay and any latch.12 Double protections setting Using the double protections setting, the PR123/DC can save set alternative parameters for all the protections. The minus sign ('-') front the threshold and power indicates reverse power.1.3). 13. The double setting disabled default.2.11 Protection against reverse active power “RP” The PR123/DC unit provides protection (which can disabled) with adjustable fixed time k), against reverse active power, active both with self-powering and auxiliary supply. 13. This done contactors switch-disconnectors (wired outside the release), controlled the PR123/DC means contacts the PR120/K module the PR021/K external unit. enable it, see par.