Poznámky redaktora
3 PR021/K and HMI030 units
The PR122/DC can also connected the optional external PR021/K unit (see par.8.4).1) indicate through potential-free power contacts alarms
and protection trips, and the HMI030 switchboard front unit display number information.8.1 ABB SACE PR010/T test and configuration unit
Testing the SACE PR010/T unit allows checking correct operation thresholds and trip times protectionfunctions.8 cce sso rie s
48/1 08
. The test unit is
connected the relay through dedicated connector (see par.
12.8. 12.
M odel L3447
A pparatus Emax DC
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D 1SDH000635R0002
Page No.12. 15.4 PR030/B power supply unit
The PR030/B power supply unit external unit allowing powering Relay, Autotest and Trip Test, checking with open and installation of
new replacement units. means the ABB SACE SD-Pocket communication software, the values the currents flowing through
the circuit-breakers, the value the latest interrupted currents and protection settings, can read.
12.8.2 BT030 communication unit
Through BT030 wireless communication unit, the PR122/DC can connected via wireless Pocket (PDA) standard PC, extending
the range information available user.