ABB Vzduchové jističe EMAX E1-E6 Montážní návody a manuály (03)

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Vydal: ABB s.r.o, ELSYNN Autor: ABB ELSYnn

Strana 192 z 660

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9.. The function active when auxiliary power supply present, supply from PR120/V (see par.9.30 10. This done contactors switch-disconnectors (wired outside the release), controlled the PR122/DC means contacts the PR120/K module the PR021/K external unit. (2) These tolerances are based follow ing assum ptions: - relay ithout start-up) - preset trip tim 100 ms..05xIn Threshold LC1________________ 50% 100% step xI, Threshold LC2________________50% 100% step x^ From the PR122/DC you can associate each the PR120/K PR121/K contacts with configuration (NO NC), delay and the eventual latch.. 0,05 . 0,3 .2.6 Load control function Single loads can enabled/disabled the load side before the overload protection intervenes and trips the circuit-breaker the supply side. 12..2.12.3) The operating logic involves the activation three contacts when the preset thresholds LC1, LC2 and Iware exceeded. 5 Model 3447 A pparatus Emax DC S cale D 1SDH000635R0002 Page No.0xIn I5< 10xIn step 0.1. (3) no-trip tim e 12. 34/1 08 .1 Table measurements For all cases not covered the above hypotheses, the follow ing tolerance values apply: Protections Trip threshold Trip time L elease 1,05 1,25 20% S 10% 20% I 15% 60m s O 20% Type measurement Range values measured the relay Standard operation range Range Tolerance % Current 0,05 .0 step 0. 14. The allowable values are given the following table: Warning current 0.7.7 Summary table the protection function settings for the PR122/DC Protection Disabling Disablingof TRIPonly Zoneselectivity Start-upthreshold Í 0 E e E <s E <5 ř Trip Threshold Trip Time Trip threshold tolerance <2> Trip time tolerance <2> L curve IEC 60255-8 □ 0,4xIn Ifl 1xIn step 0,01xIn 3 102s(1), step s t 3Ifl Release between ,05 and xI1 ± 10%, 4In ± 20%, 4In g S (t k) H 0,6 xIn <10xIn step 0,1xIn 0,6 xIn <10xIn2start-up step 0,1xIn 0,05 t2< 0,35 step 0,01s 0,10 t2stait_up< step 0,01s 0,04 t2sel 0,20 step 0,01s ± ,Ig< In ± In T ta ± 10% s S (t= k/i2) H 0,6xIn <10xIn step 0,1xIn 0,05 t2< 0,35 s, step 0,01 10xIn ± ,Ig< In ± 10% ,Ig> In ± 15%, 4In ± 20%, 4In g I (t= k) H 1,5xIn I3< 10xIn step 0,1xIn < ms 0,10 t2^ step 0,01 s where I>I4 ± 10% MCR (t= k) H 6..9.. The current thresholds are lower than those available with the protection that the load control can used prevent tripping due overloads.1xIn < ms(3) 10% k) = of □ Fixed, defined by SACE Instantaneous 5°C - linst Automatic, defined by SACE Instantaneous LC1/LC2 loads control H 50%-100% step 0,05xI1 Warning 0,3-10I step 0,05xI’ 10% 10+40 ms (1) The value trip regardle typ curve set (self­ protection).2. Thresholds LC1 and LC2 are expressed percentage Ifl (current threshold specified for protection while the "warning current" Iwis expressed as absolute value