Poznámky redaktora
and the nuts pos.3. 2
- bring the bushes the operating mechanism (pos. and the
bushes the intermediate abutments (pos.9 mm
E4 0.
1) Open the circuit-breaker
2) Remove the arcing chamber
3a) Adjust the distance the moving contacts for E2-E3:
- loosen the screws pos. and
- close the circuit-breaker and check the gap A
4) Ifthe gap not correct, open the circuit-breaker again and repeat
the procedure indicated item 3b
5) the gap correct, open the circuit-breaker again, seal with
yellow paint and reinstall the arcing chambers.S 1.3
- ove ith com pressed air and rem ove fum es
and any slag ith brush
- eplace the rcing cham ber
- eplace the rcing cham ber
- lean ith brush clo s
- Put the rings place and tig screw and
nuts app rop riately
- replace parts
- ove shutte and cle ith rough clo th
soaked suitable solvent and lubricate oderately
w ith neutral grease
- Tighten the screw suitably
Clean ith rough cloth soaked suitable solvent and
lu bricate ith neutral grease.
33a and 33b)
- proceed the same way the screws pos. (FIG. 33
Model y
A pparatus Emax DC
S cale
D oc-N 1SDH000635R0002
Page No.3 Checking contact wear
In order ensure the gap indicated the table, you can adjust the
position the shaft and the operating mechanism.
.1 and the nuts pos. rest on
the shaft, tacking action the nuts pos.8. ighten the
nuts com ple tely
C lean ith rough clo soake suitab solvent,
fully tighten the earth con ctio and cover ith neutral
The releases and locking devices ust operate norm ally
for values betw een 85% and 110% fth corresponding
rated voltag e
R eplace efective parts ith faulty
op ratio (if necessary, SACE)
8.33 less than
1 for E2-E3 less than 0.8 for E4-E6
- resence ffum dust
- Presence cracks external plastic structure
- Excessive difference ear between the first and last
arc extinguishing plate
- Presence irt insulating parts
- afety rings place, screw nuts loose
- eform ation cracks fth insulating parts
- Insulating cts oxidized (only for ith le
- ear ove tin arks screw ose the
co ctio term als circuit-breaker
(only for fixed circuit-breaker)
Presence rust loose nuts
Presence rust loose nuts
C the lta the electrica l
accessories fthe ope ratin echanism
The operating tests, ich ust carried out show n
in paragraph 6.
E2 1.a mm
Fig.2 General inspection the circuit-breaker
Item inspected Problem found Remedy
1 perating echanism lectrical accessories
2 rcin and ain ntacts
3 rcing cham bers
4 ain circu usbars Insulating ct
a arthing cts (only for ith circuit-
6 Earth ctio (only for fixed circuit-breaker)
y uxiliary circu pow voltag e
S perating and control parts
- Presence ust the internal parts
- prings deform rusty
- afety rings place, nuts screw loose
- ires and straps detached
- Traces ear
- Incorrect djustm ts:distance ig. 33a)
- proceed the same way the screws pos. and 4
- close the circuit-breaker and check the gap A
3b) Adjust the distance the moving contacts for E4-E6:
- loosen the screws pos. and (FIG. 4
- tighten the screws pos. 2
- bring the bushes the operating mechanism (pos.3. and the nuts pos. rest the shaft,
tacking action the nuts pos.1 have show defects the com ponents
- lean ith brushes clo ths
- Replace dam aged springs
- Put the rings place and tig screw and
nuts app rop riately
- eplace straps and the deta ires
corre ctly
- cts ith clo th
- ccording the paragraph 8. and the screws position 7
- tighten the screws pos. and and the nuts pos