ABB Svodiče přepětí Řada OVR, System pro M compact

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Svodiče přepětí (Surge Protective Devices - SPD) jsou určeny k ochraně elektrického a elektronického zařízení proti přepětím a proudovým impulzům (způsobeným úderem blesku nebo spínacími pochody). Pro tento účel plní svodiče přepětí dvě funkce, omezují přepětí na úroveň přijatelnou pro chráněné zařízení a svádí impulsní proudy ...

Vydal: ABB s.r.o, ELSYNN Autor: ABB ELSYnn

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Poznámky redaktora
9 Mbps local Interface ISDN PSTN (R) Analog 1S0 3.9 Mbps Screws 1 twisted pairs See ISDN table below Network User Basic rate (T0) (2B+D) 2.2 MHz Mbps 1 isted x pairs OVR 200 P HDSL 240 kHz Mbps 1 isted x pairs OVR 200 P VDSL MHz Mbps twisted pair OVR 200V P ISDN Network Network U Digital 100 V 120 kHz or 1 MHz 160 kbips or 1. voltage of the signal Max.5 MHz 1. 3 .9 Mbps User User Basic rate (S0) (2B+D) 2.8 kHz kbps twisted pair OVR 200 P xDSL ADSL (Asymetric DSL) Digital 1S0 V 1.5 V (40 between pairs) 120 kHz 160 kbps Primary rate (S2) (30B+D) 2.5 V (40 between pairs) 120 kHz 160 kbps RJ45 2 twisted pairs Primary rate (T2) (MIC) (30B+D) 2.4 kHz kbps Extensible or RJ11 1 twisted pair Note: case weak signal, use OVR 200 SPD (parallel protection) Lightning Arrester Selection ISDN Equipment Application Rate Input link SPD reference Output link SPD reference NT1* Network Termination Facilitates the dialogue between the operator’s Basic OVR 200 OVR P LT* Line Termination network and the subscriber’s installation Primary OVR 200 OVR P NT2 (PABX) Network Termination 2 (Private Autom atic Branch eXchange) Private automatic exchange making possible connect Basic OVR OVR P the terminals each other and external lines Primary OVR OVR P Digital TE1 ISDN terminal Digital telephone Basic OVR Voice data / or card Primary OVR Voice data / TA Terminal Adapter ISDN adaptation to Basic OVR OVR 200 P analogue terminal Primary OVR OVR 200 P Analogue TE2 Analogue terminal Analogue telephone or modem R OVR 200 Voice data / GNT** Generalised Network Termination Facilitates the dialogue between the operator’s network and the subscriber’s installation Basic (Numéris Duo or Numéris Itoo) U OVR 200 P S0 OVR P Z1 and OVR P Digital TE2 Specific telephone terminal Digital terminal adaptable GNT Basic OVR Voice data / Analogue TE2 Analogue terminal Analogue telephone or modem Z1 OVR Voice data / * Connected NT2 ** NT2 Note: In case NT1 power supply (if the distance between the operator and the subscriber too big), don’t forget protect the supply box with OVR 275 surge arrester.5 MHz 1.4 kHz Extensible or RJ11 1 twisted pair OVR 200 P Modem Digital 180 3.1 MHz Mbps RJ45 1 twisted pair OVR 200 P ADSL 2. down­ stream rate Usual connection Transmission support SPD reference PSTN "Old generation" telephone Analog (voice) 180 3. carrier frequency Max.Telephone, Internet, Broadband Box Name of the network Type link application Type signal Max