ABB Svodiče přepětí Řada OVR, System pro M compact

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Svodiče přepětí (Surge Protective Devices - SPD) jsou určeny k ochraně elektrického a elektronického zařízení proti přepětím a proudovým impulzům (způsobeným úderem blesku nebo spínacími pochody). Pro tento účel plní svodiče přepětí dvě funkce, omezují přepětí na úroveň přijatelnou pro chráněné zařízení a svádí impulsní proudy ...

Vydal: ABB s.r.o, ELSYNN Autor: ABB ELSYnn

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Poznámky redaktora
pumping stations, treatment plants, storage, transport and distribution. C O The consequences lightning on treatment plants have repercussions all equipment and overvoltage will directly affect instrumentation and remote management devices well PLCs. The protection water cycle facilities against overvoltage involves all types of structures, i. Its increased ^ consumption the reflection population growth and improved standard living. ABB Lightning Protection Group also has a laboratory comprising various generators capable testing all equipment under real conditions with different amplitudes surge currents, in order optimize protection solutions.e... Lightning strikes are major component the risk be assumed, both because the direct effect of lightning the structure (External Lightning Protection Installation), and the overvoltages the facility (Internal Lightning Protection Installation). Water and wastewater treatment plants are particularly exposed lightning risks, due to vast surface areas and exposure of frequently isolated sites. In addition up-to-date expertise with its global lightning protection offer (external and internal), ABB Lightning Protection Group now offers wide range of lightning conductors and surge arresters dedicated the water cycle: collection, treatment, storage, transport and distribution. .. LESPS laboratory Bagnères-de-Bigorre (65) Test generator Water fundamental utility.O o C O X o " O ABB Lightning Protection Group has several decades experience and uses its technological expertise provide protection against lightning and overvoltage.