ABB Stykače a nadproudová relé

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Vydal: ABB s.r.o, ELSYNN Autor: ABB ELSYnn

Strana 228 z 455

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Poznámky redaktora
. BEM 110-30 upstream and downstream insulated, solid copper bars Note: For BER. ■_* § PM 26-13 26-23 A1 lit A! I I_ □H.. 58 ill! I! 1SBC101001C0202 .040 2 26 BER 1SBN 082 411 R1001 0.061 A 450 BEA 50/450 1SBN 083 506 R1000 0..062 A 50, 63, 495 BEA 75/495 1SBN 084 106 R1000 0.Z, TAL, and TAE types. contactors can used for the AL, AL.160 2 ..... 5-1 BER16V 1SBN 081 411 R1000 0.450 Note: The connections provided for the A..031 A 30, 450 BEA 40/450 1SBN 083 206 R1000 0. BER 1SBN 081 411 R1001 0.120 A 95, 110 495 BEA 110/495 1SBN 084 506 R1000 0. contactors can used for the AF, AL, AL..243 2 . 110 5-2 BEM 110-30 1SFN 084 301 R1000 0.. For reversing starters with interlock unit Mounting Interlock unit Type Order code Packin9 Weight 3-pole contactors type piece kg 1 piece 2 .-------- -------- 1 1 2 ¡ BER and BEM connection sets BER 16V BEM 75-30 Ordering Details Connecting links For contactors For manual motor starter Type Order code Pack™ piece Weight kg 1 piece A 12, 116 BEA 16/116 1SBN 081 406 R1000 0.330 Connection sets for reversing contactors Description BER 16V, BER 16, BER 40V, BER upstream and downstream insulated, solid copper bars BEM 75-30 ..085 2 30, 40 2 .onnecting Links, onnection Sets and ounting Plates For irect-O n-Line and Reversing tarters BEA 40/450 J J V C I I . 26 MS 116 MS 325 PM 26-23 1SBN 091 407 R1000 0.. For reversing starters without interlock unit Mounting on 3-pole contactors Type Order code Packin9 piece Weight kg 1 piece 2 .Z and TAL types.. connection sets, Rated Insulation Voltage 690 V..124 Connection kit I (A) For manual motor starter Type Order code ck"19 piece Weight kg 1 piece 25 325 BSA 325 FPTN 472 772 R0001 0..045 2 26 VM 5-1 BER 40V 1SBN 082 411 R1000 0.. 5-2 BEM 75-30 1SBN 083 501 R1000 0.080 2 30, 40 Note: The connections provided for the A.031 A 325 BEA 26/325 1SBN 082 406 R1001 0.020 A 116 BEA 26/116 1SBN 082 406 R1000 0..024 A 12, 325 BEA 16/325 1SBN 081 406 R1001 0.009 Mounting plates For contactors For manual motor starter Type Order code ckin9 piece Weight kg 1 piece 1 26 MS 116 MS 325 PM 26-13 1SBN 092 406 R1000 0