ABB Stykače a nadproudová relé

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Vydal: ABB s.r.o, ELSYNN Autor: ABB ELSYnn

Strana 211 z 455

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Poznámky redaktora
Power Circuit KM1 5/L3 - U -------- O /„ 1 '= ===7 » _ O L <o o H FR1 r v \ 2\ L_f. mechanical and electrical interlock unit.Reversing Starters Open Type Version Kit Form Protection Thermal Overload Relay Wiring Diagram for Reversing Starters With without 5-1 mechanical interlock unit, electrical interlocking built-in add-on auxiliary contacts. f 21 KM1KM2 U ------- N -----------------^ KM1 L km0 0KM2 Local Control Wiring Diagram for Reversing Starters With 5-.. KM1 5/L3 - U -------------- ,E ORE=====n i- ----------------- i I_u o i LU ' 4 -c=j FR1 Power Circuit Us N KM1 L Remote Control j m 41 1SBC101001C0202