ABB Stykače a nadproudová relé

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Vydal: ABB s.r.o, ELSYNN Autor: ABB ELSYnn

Strana 208 z 455

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Poznámky redaktora
16 .1 .... . 0. operated contactors KM KM1 KM2 KM1 KM1 KM3 KM1 KM1 KM3 KM1 KM2 KM1 A9 IIa12 IIa1 IIa16 IA26 IA26 IlA?6 IA30 IA30 IlA39 IA A9 A9 A12 A12 A16 A26 A26 A12 IA16 A16 A26 A40 A40 A63 A50 A75 A75 A75 A95 A95 A95 A110 A110 Connection sets BEY 16V-1 BEY 26-1 BEY 40-1 BED BED 75 w w BED BED 110 Additional auxiliary contact blocks KM1 5-10 5-10 5-10 KM2 5-10 TA 110 DU 0.. ... . A VE 5-2 TE5S-24 TE5S-120 TE5S-240 TE5S-440 Mounting plate PN 110-41 38 ill! I! 1SBC101001C0202 . .... 110 A Thermal overload relays Interlock units - 5-1 Tim ers TA DU 18 .. .....Protected Thermal Overload Relay Star-Delta Starters with Interlock Unit Open Type Version, Kit Form Star-Delta Starters with interlock unit Mounting: Star KM2 Delta KM3 Line KM1 Contactors 3-pole a...c