VE 5-2
ill! I!
.Protected Manual Motor Starter
Reversing Starters
Open Type Version, Kit Form
Selection Table
Manual motor starters
M 116 325 450 495
3-pole a. operated contactors
A9 A12 A16 A26 A12 A16 A26 A30 A40 A50 A63 A75 A95 A110
Connecting links
BEA 16/116 BEA 26/116 BEA 16/325 BEA 26/325 BEA 40/450 BEA 50/450 BEA 75/495 BEA 110/495
Connection sets
BER 16V <1> BER 40V <1> BER 16V <1> BER 40V <1> BEM 75-30 BEM 110-30
Mounting plate
PM 26-23
M echanical /electrical interlock units
VM 5-1 5-1
(1) only electrical
interlocking required between
contactors 40, use
BER 16and BER40 connection
sets for contactors with N.
built-in auxiliary contacts to
reduce the space between