Poznámky redaktora
compliance with international and national standards,
the setting current the rated motor current and not the tripping current (no tripping 1... 1250 A
A uxiliary tacts
The relays feature two integrated auxiliary contacts
• one contact, marked 96
• one contact, marked 98
The two contacts are electrically isolated and are thus suitable for use two different circuits
(control circuit and signalling circuit)..
Technical data
All relays feature:
• Trip-free echanism :
Tripping the event fault not prevented even the Reset button pressed.
A pplication
Thermal overload relays are economic electromechanical protection devices against current overload,
phase failure and phase loss.. A
- Electronic Overload Relays E16. Starter
combinations are formed with contactors. TA80, current range: 0,1 ... E1250DU, current range: 0,1 . The bimetallic releases bend subject the influence heating and this results tripping the
Design and function
G eneral
The relays and the accessories com ply ith the ajor international (IEC), European (EN) and
national standards (DIN-VDE, NFC-UTE, BS, etc. +55 °C
Electronic overload relays offer compensation between -25 .. 1250 A
Class Standard TA-Relays, TA25.. 1250 A
Class Standard TA-Relays, current range: .
• Relay TA450DU powered via converters with linear characteristic.
The relays feature setting scale Amperes.05 setting
current, tripping 1.Thermal overload relays T..
The relays are constructed that they protect themselves the event overload until the series-
connected short-circuit protection trips, shown the tables..
2CDC 106 014 C0203
• Tem perature com pensation:
TA-Relays are temperature compensated between -25 .
The therm overload relays are three-pole relays
They have bimetallic releases per phase) through which the motor current flows and are indirectly
heated.... 310 A
- Electronic Overload Relays, current range: 0,1 ..
For better protection with higher accuracy and stable tripping curves well stable temperature
behaviour ABB offers complete range „Electronic Overload Relays“
Product range
Standard relays
Types: T7DU, TA25DU, TA42DU, TA75DU, TA80DU, TA110DU, T/TA200DU,
• Relays T/TA200 are connected directly into the motor circuit and the otor current
flows through them...
• Tripping category:
Class Standard TA-Relays T7, TA25...2 setting current). The auxiliary contacts change their switch position. +70 ambient temperature
• Phase failure protection accordance ith IEC 947-4-1:
This device shortens the tripping times the event phase failure and thus improves the motor
protection within the limits the setting range..
• Relay TA450SU powered via converters with saturation characteristic
and therefore have longer tripping times. T450, current range: 0,1 . E1250DU, current range: 0,1 . 310 A
- Electronic Overload Relays E16.... They are used mainly for motors, also combination with pumps..) and eet the approval and licensing regulations
necessary orldw ide.