ABB Softstartéry

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Typy PSR, PSS, PSE, PST a PSTB ... Nejnovějším členem řady softstartérů ABB je optimální softstartér PSE. Tento Softstartér disponuje všemi potřebnými funkcemi pro ochranu motoru i softstartéru. Softstartéry PSE osazeny jazykově neutrálním podsvíceným displejem a 4mi tlačítky. Funkce jsou zobrazovány pomocí ikon, hodnoty a kódy zpráv pomocí 7mi segmentového displeje. V neposlední řadě jsou softstartéry PSE vybaveny zabudovaným by-pass kontaktem.

Vydal: ABB s.r.o, ELSYNN Autor: ABB ELSYnn

Strana 634 z 637

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Poznámky redaktora
This will work fine the majority cases but using the softstarter selection tool ProSoft, more optimized selection will be achieved. Try use accurate data as possible get the most accurate When using ProSoft, the selection done steps, which can be seen different tabs the program: 1. Input tab Type the general data and information about the motor and about the load. This tab will indicate which settings should used and might affect the selection. The selection tab Select which the suggested softstar ters / The following material selection all softstarter related material that available www. The coordination tables can found by clicking “Online Product Selection Tools” and “Coordination Ta­ bles for motor protection”.ProSoft and Coordination tables ProSoft5 Softstarter selection tool The selection softstarter can done according this ca­ Calculation tab Here possible see how long the start will depending how high the current is. The ABB coordination tables are avai­ lable for different combinations products. Here also possible generate report about the selection. Material available www. Just click “Control Products”, then “Softstarters”. Coordination tables Coordination combination electrical apparatus which safe for the surroundings and personnel, even overload fault should occur the system. Especially extremely heavy duty applications with several minutes starting time, the use ProSoft recommended. • Product catalogs and brochures • Certificates and approvals • Circuit diagrams and application diagrams • Dimension drawings (2D and 3D) • Manuals • eds- and gsd-files for fieldbus connection • Prosoft selection tool 62 Softstarters 1SFC132005C0201 . 2. The softstarter coordi­ nation tables are available with different protection devices (MMS, MCCB and semiconductor fuses), different coordination types (type 1 and type 2), different kA-ratings and for different connections (In Line and Inside Delta)