ABB Softstartéry

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Typy PSR, PSS, PSE, PST a PSTB ... Nejnovějším členem řady softstartérů ABB je optimální softstartér PSE. Tento Softstartér disponuje všemi potřebnými funkcemi pro ochranu motoru i softstartéru. Softstartéry PSE osazeny jazykově neutrálním podsvíceným displejem a 4mi tlačítky. Funkce jsou zobrazovány pomocí ikon, hodnoty a kódy zpráv pomocí 7mi segmentového displeje. V neposlední řadě jsou softstartéry PSE vybaveny zabudovaným by-pass kontaktem.

Vydal: ABB s.r.o, ELSYNN Autor: ABB ELSYnn

Strana 625 z 637

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Poznámky redaktora
• Application busjunctions such e.FBP FieldBusPlug Putp„ Profibus accessories, ordering details PDF11-FBP.50 PDX11-FBP % ,£jf c PDM11-FBP" PDF11-FBP PDR11-FBP150 PDV11-FBP, PDV12-FBP -XT'c PDA11-FBP.20 1SFC132005C0201 Softstarters 53 .50 PDF11-FBP.5 CDP15-FBP.04 PDA12-FBP050 Extension cable Designation Cable length Type Order code Packing piece W eight kg 1 piece Extension cable (female/male), shielded 0.999 1SAJ 924 004 R1000 5.6 CDP15-FBP.g.50m PDA12-FBP050 1SAJ 924 010 R0001 0.04 Adaptor M12-Dsub9-M12 Cable length 0.04 Profibus Round Cable for Bus Extension Ready-made bus cable with M12 male and female connectors Round cable coil Profibus Termination Resistor, Miscellaneous Accessories W eight Designation Cable length Type Order code Packing piece kg 1 piece Extension Cable 0.20 Extension cable (male/open), shielded 1.04 Adaptor M12-Dsub9-M12 Cable length 0.04 Round Cable with male connector 0. Profibus couplers deviceswith integrated Profibus interface Designation Cable length Type Order code Packing piece W eight kg 1 piece Round Cable with female connector 0.50 PDX11-FBP050 1SAJ 924 001 R0005 0.150 1SAJ 929 140 R0015 0.060 1SAJ 929 140 R0006 1 Extension cable (female/male), shielded 1.5 CDP16-FBP.150 1SAJ 929 150 R0015 0.00 PDC11-FBP.030 1SAJ 929 140 R0003 1 Extension cable (female/male), shielded 0.03 Feeding connector 24V DC, Code B-A PDV11-FBP0 1SAJ 924 008 R0001 0.00 PDX11-FBP500 1SAJ 924 001 R0050 0.50m PDA11-FBP050 1SAJ 924 009 R0001 0.08 Extension Cable 3.04 Feeding connector 24V DC, Code A-A PDV12-FBP0 1SAJ 924 011 R0001 0.050 ° Accessories for the Profibus Bus Connector Profibus Round Cable for Bus Junctions Ready-made bus cable with M12 connector and open cable end.00 PDX11-FBP300 1SAJ 924 001 R0030 0.31 Round Cable 100.50 PDM11-FBP.50 PDM11-FBP050 1SAJ 924 003 R0005 0.00 PDX11-FBP100 1SAJ 924 001 R0010 0.050 1SAJ 924 002 R0005 0.04 Extension Cable 1.60 Profibus Accessories for Bus Extension Designation Type Order code Packing piece W eight kg 1 piece Male Connector for round cable PDM11-FBP.20 Extension Cable 5.03 Designation Type Order code Packing piece W eight kg 1 piece Termination Resistor, 150 Ohm PDR11-FBP150 1SAJ 924 007 R0001 0.03 Female Connector for round cable PDF11-FBP0 1SAJ 924 006 R0001 0.0 1SAJ 924 005 R0001 0.3 CDP15-FBP