ABB Softstartéry

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Typy PSR, PSS, PSE, PST a PSTB ... Nejnovějším členem řady softstartérů ABB je optimální softstartér PSE. Tento Softstartér disponuje všemi potřebnými funkcemi pro ochranu motoru i softstartéru. Softstartéry PSE osazeny jazykově neutrálním podsvíceným displejem a 4mi tlačítky. Funkce jsou zobrazovány pomocí ikon, hodnoty a kódy zpráv pomocí 7mi segmentového displeje. V neposlední řadě jsou softstartéry PSE vybaveny zabudovaným by-pass kontaktem.

Vydal: ABB s.r.o, ELSYNN Autor: ABB ELSYnn

Strana 618 z 637

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Poznámky redaktora
hp, kVAr.. mA, .... 7.120 ..0 I Selection Kick start Kick Start Yes, No Level Kick start selected Kick Level . % Step down voltage Step Down .0 .5 0.2 Selectable range for start ramp Start Range .5 .5 le Trip time for Underload protection Underl Time ...0 0.....0 1. 120 (Range depends Stop Range) s Initial voltage for start ramp Init Volt ..0 s Type operation for locked rotor protection Lock Stop-M, Stop-A, Ind Stop-M Underload protection Underload Yes, No Trip level for Underload protection Underl Lev 0. Current Lim 1.5 .. s Overload protection Overload No, Normal, Dual Normal Overload Class Class 10, 20, 10 Overload Class, Dual type, Start Class Class 10A, 10, 20, 10 Overload Class, Dual type, Run Class Class 10A, 10, 20, 10 Type operation for overload protection Stop-M, Stop-A, Ind Stop-M Locked rotor protection Locked Rotor Yes, No Trip level for locked rotor protection Lock Lev 0.0 I Trip time for locked rotor protection Lock Time 0.. s Type operation for Underload protection Underl Stop-M, Stop-A, Ind Stop-M Phase imbalance protection Phase Imb Yes, No Trip level for phase imbalance protection Imb Lev .....4 . 120 (Range depends Start Range) s Time for stop ramp Stop Ramp .....20 mA Analog output, type value Anl Type Amp, Volt, kW. .1. % End voltage for stop ramp End Volt .5 .. 0. 1.. 8. 255 Start mode Start Mode Volt, Torque Volt Stop mode Stop Mode Volt, Torque Volt Torque limit Torque limit .4 .. % Thyristor overload warning Warn SCR Yes, No Type operation for phase loss fault Loss Stop-M, Stop-A Stop-M Type operation for by-pass doesn't close open Stop-M, Stop-A Stop-M Type operation for by-pass doesn't open closed Stop-M, Stop-A Stop-M Type operation for fieldbus fault Fault Stop-M, Stop-A Stop-M Type operation for frequency fault Freq Stop-M, Stop-A Stop-M Type operation for heat sink over temperature fault Temp Stop-M, Stop-A Stop-M Type operation for thyristor short circuit fault SCR Stop-M, Stop-A Stop-M Function programmable input In_0 In0 None, Reset, Enable, Jog, DOL, Start FB-Dis Reset Function programmable input In_1 In1 None, Reset, Enable, Jog, DOL, Start FB-Dis Reset Function programmable relay output Relay Run, TOR, Event Run Function programmable relay output Relay Run, TOR, Event TOR Function programmable relay output Relay Run, TOR, Event Event Control the softstarter with fieldbus Fieldb Ctrl Yes, No Number sequences for sequence start..... 1.....10 . 5.. . 200 150 % Analog output Analogue Out Yes, No Analog output, reference Anl Ref ........ kVA, TmpMot, TmpSCR, cosPhi Amp 46 Softstarters 1SFC132005C0201 . ..2 .... Seq No, No Language use display Language US/UK, FI, SE, PT, NL, IT, FR, ES, DE, CN, RU, TR, PL, US/UK Password for display Password No, .100 100 % Level the current limit....1207 divided into overlapping ranges. 100 % Time for Kick start selected Kick Time 0.. See table, page 48 Time for start ramp Start Ramp ... Setting 9.0 4.1 ...8 0. 120 . ..8 le Overload warning Warn Yes, No Trip level for overload warning Lev .0 4... 1..... % Type operation for phase imbalance protection Imb Stop-M, Stop-A, Ind Stop-M High current protection High Yes, No Type operation for high current protection High Stop-M, Stop-A, Ind Stop-M Phase reversal protection Phase Rev Yes, No Type operation for phase reversal protection Rev Stop-M, Stop-A, Ind Stop-M PTC protection PTC Yes, No Type operation for PTC protection PTC Stop-M, Stop-A Stop-M An external Bypass contactor used Ext ByPass Yes, No High current warning Warn I=High Yes, No Trip level for high current warning I=H Lev 0. s Selectable range for stop ramp Stop Range ...PST(B) The advanced range Technical data Major possible settings and the displayed text and the set default values Description Text display Eng' Values display Default value Setting current for overload, locked rotor etc.2 le Low current warning Warn I=Low Yes, No Trip level for low current warning I=L Lev 0