ABB Softstartéry

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Typy PSR, PSS, PSE, PST a PSTB ... Nejnovějším členem řady softstartérů ABB je optimální softstartér PSE. Tento Softstartér disponuje všemi potřebnými funkcemi pro ochranu motoru i softstartéru. Softstartéry PSE osazeny jazykově neutrálním podsvíceným displejem a 4mi tlačítky. Funkce jsou zobrazovány pomocí ikon, hodnoty a kódy zpráv pomocí 7mi segmentového displeje. V neposlední řadě jsou softstartéry PSE vybaveny zabudovaným by-pass kontaktem.

Vydal: ABB s.r.o, ELSYNN Autor: ABB ELSYnn

Strana 605 z 637

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Poznámky redaktora
.. [ 100 1000 actual altitude for the softstarter L 150 4)A common voltage needs used for all signal relays Tripping curves for electronic overload protection (Cold) Time (s) 1SFC132005C0201 Softstarters 33 . mA Rated control supply voltage 1100 . 3) When used high alitudes above 1000 meters 4000 meters you need deratetherated current using the following formula.......... +70 °C Ramp time during start 1-30 sec Degree protection IP66 Ramp time during stop 0-30 sec Initial end voltage 30-70% Current limit 1,5-7xI..................................... +60 °C Setting current Size dependent during storage -40 ........... reduce the rated current with 0.........:........................ Torque control for start Yes No Torque control for stop Yes No Kick start_________________________ Off, 30-100%________ Signal relays Number signal relays 3 K2 Run signal K3 TOR (By-pass) signal K1 Event signal Rated operational voltage 250 4) Rated thermal current A ...5 Iefor seconds.......5 A________________ 1) Valid for time and off time, with 3.... Rated operational current j at AC-15 (Ue 250 V)_____________ other data required, pleasecontactyour sales office 2) Above max. Control circuit Num ber starts per hour Number inputs (start, stop, reset faults) Overload capability, Signal indication LED’s Overload Class Ready Green flashing steady Am bient tem perature Run TOR Green flashing steady During operation -25 ...... +70 Fault Red M axim Altitude 4000 Protections Degree protection Electronic overload Yes (Class 10A, 10, 20, 30) Main circuit 1IP00 Locked rotor protection Yes Supply and Control circuit IP20 Underload protection Yes Main circuit Built-in By-pass Yes Field bus connection Cooling system Fan cooled Connection for (th sta controlled) Yes ABB FieldBusPlug Yes (option) HMI settings External keypad Display 7-segments and icons.. +60 Protection Yellow During storage -40 ................... 600 +10 %/-15 Output signal reference ...................... Illuminated Display LCD type Keypad selection keys and navigation keys Ambient temperature Main settings during operation -25 ....2 Ie Starting capacity 4xI for sec...................PSE The efficient range Technical data Rated insulation voltage 600 Analog output Rated operational voltage 208 .........6 per °C............................... 250 +10 %/-15 50/60 Type output signal Amp Rated control circuit voltage Internal Scaling Fixed 1.....