ABB Softstartéry

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Typy PSR, PSS, PSE, PST a PSTB ... Nejnovějším členem řady softstartérů ABB je optimální softstartér PSE. Tento Softstartér disponuje všemi potřebnými funkcemi pro ochranu motoru i softstartéru. Softstartéry PSE osazeny jazykově neutrálním podsvíceným displejem a 4mi tlačítky. Funkce jsou zobrazovány pomocí ikon, hodnoty a kódy zpráv pomocí 7mi segmentového displeje. V neposlední řadě jsou softstartéry PSE vybaveny zabudovaným by-pass kontaktem.

Vydal: ABB s.r.o, ELSYNN Autor: ABB ELSYnn

Strana 598 z 637

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Poznámky redaktora
The PSE softstarter range the orld’s first compact softstar­ ters with Torque Control. Display and keypad The set-up the PSE softstarter done using the four button keypad and the illuminated display, providing quick and easy set-up. Since no additional overload device needed, our efficient design saves both space, installation time, and ultimately money. Analog output The analog output terminals can connected analog current meter show the current during operation and thereby eliminating the need for additional current transformer. Built-in by-pass for energy saving Using by-pass after reaching full voltage will greatly reduce the power loss and thereby save energy. The analog output signal can also used analog input a PLC. The keypad can also used to copy parameters between different softstarters. This makes the PSE range excel­ lent choice for pumping application where water hammering normally big problem. Since the PSE softstarter optimized for controlling pumps, this feature must.5 Ie • otor overload protection with classes 10A, 10, and 30 • otor underload protection detect pumps running dry • Locked rotor protection, detecting jamm pumps • Kick start start jamm pumps conveyor belts • Analog output showing operational current, mA • Optional fieldbus com unication using Profibus, Modbus, Devicenet CANopen • Sophisticated algorithm eliminating the DC-com ponent and thereby providing excellent starting performance. With its compact design and ad­ vanced functionality, the PSE also very efficient solution for other common applications such compressors and fans. the PSE softstarter range, the by-pass built-in all sizes, which will give the most compact starting solution and reduce the need for wiring during installation. Motor protection The PSE softstarter equipped with built-in electronic overlo­ ad protection, protecting the motor from overheating. While operating, the display will also provide important status information such current and voltage.PSE The efficient range Description P scrip tio n • Wide rated operational voltage 208 600 AC • Wide rated control supply voltage 100 250 50/60 Hz • Rated operational current 370 A • Wide ambient tem perature range, -25 +60 °C • Coated circuit boards for reliable operation harsh environment • Built-in by-pass all sizes, saving energy and reducing installation time • User friendly HMI with illuminated language neutral display and four button keypad • Optional external keypad, IP66 • Torque control for excellent control pumps • Current limit, adjustable between 1. Coated circuit boards All circuit boards the new PSE softstarter have protective coating ensure reliable operation even tough environme­ nts like wastewater plants, where corrosive gases and acids may exist. Torque control The most important function when stopping pumps torque control. 26 Softstarters 1SFC132005C0201 . External keypad As option the PSE softstarter can equipped with ex­ ternal keypad for easy set-up and monitoring the unit with­ out opening the enclosure door