Typy PSR, PSS, PSE, PST a PSTB ... Nejnovějším členem řady softstartérů ABB je optimální softstartér PSE. Tento Softstartér disponuje všemi potřebnými funkcemi pro ochranu motoru i softstartéru. Softstartéry PSE osazeny jazykově neutrálním podsvíceným displejem a 4mi tlačítky. Funkce jsou zobrazovány pomocí ikon, hodnoty a kódy zpráv pomocí 7mi segmentového displeje. V neposlední řadě jsou softstartéry PSE vybaveny zabudovaným by-pass kontaktem.
The compact de
sign with the most important functionality integrated provides a
very efficient starting solution.
With the full text LCD display your own language, pre-pro
grammed application settings and event logging, couldn’t be
easier set-up and operate.
The torque control function has been developed and tested
together with well known pump manufacturers ensure the
absolutely best possible stop pumps without water hamme
ring and pressure surges.
The illuminated language neutral display and the four button
keypad make easy take advantage all the advanced
functionality the softstarter.
By using the ABB FieldBusPlug, you can decide any time
which bus protocol use.Softstarters
ABB softstarters The complete range
ABB offers four different ranges softstarters cover
every customer need for solutions for motor sizes to
1800 This page decribes the main characteristics the
different softstarter ranges
PSR —The compact range
The PSR softstarter the most com pact all the softstarter
ranges, thereby making possible design compact starting
equipments. The system concept with Manual Motor Starters
and the PSR provides far more compact starting solution
than for instance star delta starter. Pre-warnings even allow
problems detected before the motor needs stopped
and thereby avoiding unnecessary downtime. The fieldbus system will allow you
to set-up, control and monitor the softstarter. Con
necting external current transformer makes possible to
activate the current limit function, which will allow you keep
the current pre-set level also when starting heavy duty
Built-in by-pass reduces the energy loss and makes the con
nection easier and with only three potentiometers, the set-up
couldn’t any easier. The display will also provide all
the necessary information both during ramping and continuous
PSR PSS PSE PST(B) Standard Opional Not available
• Built-in by-pass PSTB
- Inside delta connection
- Coated PCBs
- Display and keypad
- Torque control
- Settable current limit function
- Electronic motor overload protection
• PTC input for motor protection
• Phase imbalance protection
• Phase reversal protection
- Locked rotor protection
- Thyristor overtemperature protection
- Underload protection
• Programmable warning functions
- Analog output
O FieldBus communication
- Event log
- External keypad
PSR18- 600 70
^— Control supply voltage: 100 250 AC
81 DC
Operational voltage: 600 V
------------------ Current rating: A
----------------------- Softstarter range
1SFC132005C0201 Softstarters.
PSS —The flexible range
The PSS softstarter allows both line and inside delta con
nection making very flexible option. All the
advanced protections for the motor, the softstarter and the
load ensure trouble free operation. The PSS softstarter the ideal solution when loo
king for robust solid state starting solution where many starts
per hour are required. Just the PSR
softstarter, the few settings make the set-up very easy.
PST(B) —The advanced range
The PST(B) softstarter the most advanced softstarter the
range with almost all imaginable functionality included.
PSE —The efficient range
The PSE softstarter the orld’s first compact softstarter with
both built-in electronic overload for motor protection and tor
que control for excellent control pumps. Still, the optimized ramping characteris
tics will ensure very smooth start and stop for all applications