ABB Softstartéry - komunikace schémata (EN)

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Vydal: ABB s.r.o, ELSYNN Autor: ABB ELSYnn

Strana 63 z 79

Poznámky redaktora
©ABBControl A V PSTb370, 1050 In Line with neversing To stopped before reversing Start opt iona irect ion S r PSTB i16 i1 K7 -C 11 o io d Vp 10 Vp 9 Vn 8 Vc o i o InO 5 t 4 p I > N O =C in o o I \D o \ o o —»in [19 K4 K6 o i K2 H IH Internal By-pass Contactor PTC I I I I I :T I Ke us I L4 \ □ 20 K 0 Forward Reverse Stop (A3) V Rev Ind Year Week A Prepared 1Q T Persson Responsible departnent ATCL/ME T itle App agram Approved T Persson Take over department Lang, 82 Revis 1on Scale Document No. 1SFB536005G2002 ISSUED 030908 Cont.VereserveallrightsInthisdocunentandInthe infornationcontainedtherein,Reproduction,useor disclosuretothirdpartieswithoutexpressauthority Isstrictlyforbidden. A ABB Control Sheet 1