ABB Softstartéry - komunikace schémata (EN)

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Vydal: ABB s.r.o, ELSYNN Autor: ABB ELSYnn

Strana 35 z 79

Poznámky redaktora
, ££0-540 AC, Design checked by T Persson Draw ing checked by T Persson Prawn by P icsson m HIDHID ZTODDDD KRETSSCHEMA Softstarter Mjukstartare C I Iss lept Year Week SECRL/UE 14 5366 9 _o., hy-pass and soft stop, line connection Uc 110-120 AC.App Lic ion iagram Ooftstarter o/3u ,,30U with no"tor protect íon, current 85 Rev Ind