ABB SACE Emax Vzduchové jističe

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Vzduchové jističe Emax získaly certifikaci a mají plné oprávnění k tomu, aby se přiřadily k funkční výrobkové kategorii Protect IT. Tyto jističe vytváří kombinaci s asi 700 distribučními rozváděči řad ArTu Ma ArTu K. Umožňují takto sestavení kompletních rozváděčů pomocí prvků majících certifikaci Industrial IT. Jističe Tmax, Isomax a Emax je možno začlenit do konfigurovatelných výrobků ...

Vydal: ABB s.r.o, ELSYNN Autor: ABB ELSYnn

Strana 297 z 346

Poznámky redaktora
90% ± % 5% 0.8 s ± 15% In ± 20% In 0 t=k/I2 ■ a Selective short-circuit protection I2= 0.5 t=k Protection against overtemperature cannot set Instantaneous temp=k - uv Undervoltage protection Tolerance (2) I8 0.02 0...1 t2= 0.......102 s ± 10% In ± 20% In 3 <1> IEC60255-8 - Tolerance I1= 0.1 (with I-4xI4) ± 15% 0.0.4...2 s The better the two figures: ± 10% ms 0 s 0 s ■ t=k ■ Tolerance (2) I2= .1 In With current I2 t2= 0...05 and 1.1 In ± 7% 0.10 In Tolerance (2) In ± 10% In 0.0.2 I1 0.1 s t4sel- 0.-0..1 In ± In ± 10% In 0..01 With current U9; t9- 0,1 s.2 Un ± 5% 0.2 I1 0.01 With current 3xI1|4);t1= S.2 s The better the two figures: ± 10% ms 0....05 s.. 2 x n 0.5 s The better the two figures: ± 20% ms 0 t=k Overvoltage protection Tolerance (2) I9= 1..8 s t2sel- 0.1 In ± In ± 10% In 0.1.01 In With current 3xI1 t1= S.0..0.Protection functions and setting values PR123 Function Trip Threshold Trip Tim Can elation Therm Zone threshold steps Tim Step excluded t=f(I) ory selectivity a Overload protection Tolerance (2) I1= 0.8 s The better the two figures: ± 10% ms With current I2 0 t=k ■ u Instantaneous short-circuit protection Tolerance (2) '+3 1 1 5 0 x n 0..04 0.05 t=k/I2 - : U1 Phase unbalance protection Tolerance (2) I6 5%...1 Pn ± % 0...1 With current 10xIn; t2= 0.02 Pn With current P11 t11- 0.04 0....02 In With current I4 t4 0...5 s The better the two figures: ± ms 0.05 s...01 With current ;t8 0,1 s.3...05 .....05 s 0 s ■ t=k ■ Tolerance (2) ±I4 7 0...1 Instantaneous < ms - t=k - Q Earth fault protection Tolerance (2) I4(6)= 0.1 In belease between 1.05 s..144 s ± 20% I1 ± 30% 2xI1< I1 3 t=k(a) <5> a -2 D Selective short-circuit protection Tolerance (2) I2= .5 s The better the two figures: ± 20% ms 0 t=k bp! beverse power protection Tolerance (2) P11= -0...5.5 s The better the two figures: ± ms 0 t=k - (1) The minimum trip value regardless the type curve set (self-protection) (2) These tolerances hold the following conditions: - self-powered relay full power and/or auxiliary power supply (without start-up) - trip time set 100 ms (3) Non intervention time The following tolerance values apply all cases not covered the above: ABB SACE 13 .2..05... 1..6.95 Un ± 5% 0..1 In belease between 1.4