ABB Polohové spínače

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Vydal: ABB s.r.o, ELSYNN Autor: ABB ELSYnn

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Poznámky redaktora 15 10 ABB Control 1SBC141127C0201 .. contacts Snap action: B..... 1cable inlet for cable gland...... contacts 20 9 ......... contacts 20..... 1cable inlet M20 1... Overlapping early make LSC30XD11 >> Implementation....O..... contacts Snap action: B Snap Dependent (slow) action: L Slow/ Simultaneous D Non-overlapping late make C Overlapping early make LS 3 P LS30P40B11 Separate Actuators (lever, key) LSA30X41 For casing: M .. contacts 02 ......C.............5for ISO cable gland ......... 40 50 11 1 V Contacts 11 . N........ N....... >> Dimensions Complete 12 >> Operation Diagrams... Plastic metal Separate Contact Blocks 1 1 Contacts 11 .............. . 1cable inlet M16 1......C...C. ................... contacts 02.5for ISO20 cable gland ...........LS30P ..................Plastic X .. N..................... With angular movement for adjustable roller rod levers................... N...................................... Non-overlapping late make C. .............. ...................... >> Ordering Details for Separate Elements.. LS35P Limit Switches Double Insulation Plastic Casing IP65 Width Type Separate Elements Casings with Contact Block and Angular Motion Head (without actuator) 0L 1 Casing width: 14 ....... N.... Cable inlet 1cable inlet for 13....Metal P........... 1cable inlet 1/2" NPT plastic adaptor................................... N..5 cable gland........... Operating heads (without actuator): With angular movement for non-adjustable roller levers .... N....................... I Plastic casing ....... Snap Dependent (slow) action: L Slow/ Simultaneous D..O............ N...............