ABB Polohové spínače

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Vydal: ABB s.r.o, ELSYNN Autor: ABB ELSYnn

Strana 64 z 238

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Poznámky redaktora
7 2.300 Dimensions (mm) HClosedcontact/ HOpencontact Jk II 55 12 22 F 12 32 1SBC141157C0202 .0 mm „13-1 3..C.6 2.6 2.8 4.8 4..2 mm (190)(250) (N) Simultaneous Type slow action contacts 11 31 LS4 M98L03-SCR LS6 M98L03-SCR (0) (40) (100) (240(250)(300) (N) 6..P98..0 2.0 3.-SCR Safety Limit Switches With Pulling Cable for Emergency Stop and Manual Reset Movement detected: Casing width • Plastic: Degree protection IP65 • Metal: Degree protection IP66 1 cable inlet for cable gland Casing width Metal: Degree protection IP66 1 cable inlet for cable gland Casing width Metal: Degree protection IP66 3 cable inlets for cable gland Actuator Red cable Red cable Conformity (N.M98..8 4.M98.7 (100) (240)(260)(300) (N) 0 2.-SCR and LS6.M98.M98.5 [5 1/2" NPT (by plastic adaptor for LS3.7 (70) (115)(120)(140) (N) 0 2.4 2.5 [1 (except for LS4.. force for arming the safety system (F) 100 N - for actuation 170 N - for activating the reset and stop (F1) 120 250 N - positive opening operation 115 240 N Additional Technical Data LS type code complete with the cable inlet code ..-SCR and LS6.M98.0 (40) 3..2 (40) ►21-22 "■31-32 2.8 2.-SCR) [2 M16 1..84.M98.8 6.-SCR, LS3..-SCR and LS6.0 mm Operation diagram Weight (packing per unit) 0..115 0.LS3..0 mm 1--- 1---g---R---1►21-22 LS4 M98D11-SCR LS6 M98D11-SCR (0) 6.7 3..5 (except for LS4. contact with positiveopening operation) @ Min.0 (40) (100) (24Q|250(30Q| (N) 4.0 mm Operation diagram Non-overlapping slow action contacts 13 31 V f14 32 Type Operation diagram LS4 M98D12-SCR LS6 M98D12-SCR (0) 6.0 mm (0) 6..0 mm I ^21-22 Simultaneous Type slow action contacts 11 21 LS3 P98L02-SCR LS3 M98L02-SCR LS4 M98L02-SCR LS6 M98L02-SCR (0) (30) 6.-SCR, LS4.P98...-SCR) [3 M20 1.[0] 13.8 (70) (115)(120)(140) (N) 0 2.270 0..270 0.4 2..M98.4 2.0 (100) 0 F1 (300) (N) 4..-SCR) Non-overlapping slow action contacts 13 21 \ Zb14 22 Type Operation diagram LS3 P98D11-SCR LS3 M98D11-SCR (0 (30) 6.0 2