ABB Polohové spínače

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Vydal: ABB s.r.o, ELSYNN Autor: ABB ELSYnn

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M98-SCR series: L maximum L maximum LS3. b) Pull the cable with force, the blue reset button change position and operate the emergency stop the machine with latching of the safety system.-SCR and LS6. contact open and operate the "normal" stop the machine. Pull the blue reset button arm the safety system and close the safety contacts.8 Nm. Cp Positive opening travel: minimum travel the switch actuator (ring plunger), from the starting position, ensure the positive opening opera­ tion the normally closed contact (N.M98. 4.. travel (maximum travel): distance between the starting position and the max...P98-SCR series: maximum LS4.C. travel position: maximum acceptabletravel position the switch actuator (ring plunger). 1). '13-14 Max. 2.-SCR and LS3. C Distance between the starting position and the free position the cable breaks... § Minimum travel for arming the safety system and 3 obtain the starting position under the effect of force F.M98. 3.-SCR and LS3.P98-SCR series: LS4.. Check that the apparatus operate correctly before switch the machine following the below test procedure : a) pull slowly the cable, the blue reset button doesn’t change position but the N. 6.M98-SCR series: maximum End spring G maximum G 3^5 maximum -----------1 1------------1------------ 1-----------1 1------------ G I G J « G J I « ^ ikllll 49 1SBC141157C0202 . necessary, according the Limit Switch position turn the head unscrewing the fixing screws oder that the blue reset button become accessible.. travel posi­ tion L. C Max.C. Put the cable tension byusing the turnbuckle tillthe green mark appear the metal plunger the extremity the red head (fig.Safety Limit Switches with Pulling Cable for Emergency Stop with Latching and Manual Reset Travel and Operating diagrams and Installation Starting position (green mark) Po Co Cable traction Cl 21-22­ 13-14- F Ces StPl , F1 A R R1 Ces’ 1 F Cl - Contacts position 21-22 Contact closed 21-22 Contact open Contacts identification (example) Po Free position: position the switch actuator (ring plunger) when external force exerted on it.M98.. The inside contacts the Limit Switch will always change position each time the cable will operated (by pulling) shown the above diagram. Insert theside the Limit Switch turnbuckle, and the other side the cable extremity spring.. order have the cable correctly guided, fix tightly the apparatus and the cable support rigid elements. The use those apparatus involve the respect following standard: 1088, 292, 954-1 LS3.-SCR and LS6..M98. | Starting position (green mark): the safety system -21-22 pulling the blue reset button. When the head well place, re-screw the screws with tightening torque 0. 5. Ces, Ces’ Emergency Stop and Latching travel: minimum travel obtain the emergency stop and the mechanical latching the safety system under the effect force F1.. c) order switch again the device, please come back point and repeat the operation (if necessary).. o L Installation To obtain the right operation the apparatus, please follow carefully below instructions: 1. Pp Positive opening position: position switch actuator (ring plunger) from which positive opening ensured.)