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ABB Polohové spínače
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Metal Casing Width IP66 Contact blocks 13 21 A , 14 22 D11 L02 Type Order code state cable inlet code □ state cableinlet code □ □ Weight kg (1) Packing 1 piece Plastic Safety Lim itches ith Pulling Cable ergency Stop ith Latching and Manual Reset 1 LS3 P98D11-SCR 1SBV03 98R1411 0.270 - LS3 M98L02-SCR 1SBV03 98R1302 0.600 47 LSR5343 1SBC141157C0202 ... LS43M: cable inlet for ISO cable gland .115 - LS3 P98L02-SCR 1SBV03 98R1302 0..790 102. LS35M: cable inlet for 1/2" NPT cable gland . 1 Plastic Casing Width .5 cable gland .Safety Limit Switches with Pulling Cable Double Insulation Plastic Casing IP65 Width Metal Casing IP66 30, and Width LS32M98D11-SCR LS40M98D11-SCR LS60M98D12-SCR LSR5242 LSR5444 LSR5551 m » LS30P: cable inlet for 13. 21 .0 ... LS32M: cable inlet for ISO cable gland .050 End spring (LS4. ... 3 .P, LS3.300 - LS6 M98L03-SCR 1SBV03 98R1303 0.270 - LS4 M98L03-SCR 1SBV03 98R1303 0. 6 .....0 .... ..580 15.M) LSR5845 1SBV 047 800 R5845 0... LS45M: cable inlet for 1/2" NPT cable gland .50 meters LSR5547 1SBV 047 800 R5547 0.. 1 . LS40M: cable inlet for 13.115 M etal Safety Lim itches ith Pulling Cable ergency Stop ith Latching and anual Reset 1 LS3 M98D11-SCR 1SBV03 98R1411 0..270 (1) For LS35P add 0.M) LSR5846 1SBV 047 800 R5846 0..50 meters LSR5549 1SBV 047 800 R5549 1.. ip65n ..005 Cable support LSR5444 1SBV 047 800 R5444 0......007 kg...080 End spring (LS3...0 . 2 .. 18 . ...5 cable gland .00 meters LSR5550 1SBV 047 800 R5550 2..5 cable gland .5 cable gland .410 51. 1 .M, LS6.270 M etal Safety Lim itches ith Pulling Cable ergency Stop ith Latching and anual Reset 1 LS6 M98D12-SCR 1SBV03 98R1412 0. LS32P: cable inlet for ISO cable gland ....2 ... LS65M: cable inlets for 1/2" NPT cable gland .. . . LS63M: cable inlets for ISO cable gland .080 Turnbuckle LSR5141 1SBV 047 800 R5141 0...860 25. LS31P: cable inlet for cable gland . LS30M: cable inlet for 13. LS31M: cable inlet for cable gland . 3 Metal Casing Width IP66 Metal Casing Width IP66 Contact blocks 13 31 14 32 D12 12 32 L03 Type Order code state cableinlet code □ state cableinlet code □ □ Weight kg Packing 1 piece M etal Safety Lim itches ith Pulling Cable ergency Stop ith Latching and anual Reset 1 LS4 M98D12-SCR 1SBV03 98R1412 0. 5 ... LS35P: cable inlet 1/2" NPT plastic adaptor .50 meters LSR5548 1SBV 047 800 R5548 0. LS33P: cable inlet for ISO cable gland .060 Cable end protector LSR5343 1SBV 047 800 R5343 0... LS60M: cable inlets for 13....00 meters LSR5551 1SBV 047 800 R5551 5.050 D5 red cable: length 10. . LS33M: cable inlet for ISO cable gland . 17 .300 Accessories Description accessories Type Order code Weight kg Packing 1 piece Cable grip LSR5242 1SBV 047 800 R5242 0.