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............022 Sm all Latch (Keys) LS4............................... ...............................180 (1) For LS35P add 0..............5 cable gland ............................................... LS3..................0 ....210 Ordering Details Small Latch (Key) Description key Fixing mm Type Order code Weight kg Packing 1 piece Sm all Latch (Keys) LS3........... LS40P: cable inlet for 13.................155 - LS4 P80L03-S 1SBV03 80R1303 0...........P....M....011 Right angle keywith shock absorber LSA30P07 1SBV 048 607 R1000 0...... LS4.... LS35P: cable inlet 1/2" NPT plastic adaptor ... 7 Ordering Details Product without Small Latch (Key) I Plastic Casing Width IP65 n Metal Casing Width IP66 Contact blocks 13 21 Zb Type Order code Weight kg (1) ,4 22 D11 L02 state cable inlet code □ state cable inlet code □ □ Packing 1 piece Plastic Lim itches ith djustable Head Every 90° 1 LS3 P80D11-S 1SBV03 80R1411 0..014 Straight key with shock absorber LSA30P08 1SBV 048 608 R1000 0............... 1 LS30P: cable inlet for 13................................5 cable gland ...........................5 cable gland .. LS31P: cable inlet for cable gland ........080 - LS3 P80L02-S 1SBV03 80R1302 0....180 - LS3 M80L02-S 1SBV03 80R1302 0......... Right angle key LSA30P05 1SBV 048 605 R1000 0.......014 Straight key LSA40X06 1SBV 048 806 R1000 0......................0 8 LS31M: cable inlet for cable gland ..080 M etal Lim itches ith Adjustable Head Every 90° 1 LS3 M80D11-S 1SBV03 80R1411 0.................210 - LS4 M80L03-S 1SBV03 80R1303 0..........017 Straight key with shock absorber LSA40X08 1SBV 048 808 R1000 0....... LS32P: cable inlet for ISO cable gland ....... 1 LS30M: cable inlet for 13...... LS33P: cable inlet for ISO cable gland .. 6 LS45M: cable inlet for 1/2" NPT cable gland ... 9 LS33M: 1cable inlet for ISO cable gland ..155 M etal Lim itches ith Adjustable Head Every 90° 1 LS4 M80D12-S 1SBV03 80R1412 0......011 Straight key LSA30P06 1SBV 048 606 R1000 0... LS43P: cable inlet for ISO cable gland ...... Right angle key LSA40X05 1SBV 048 805 R1000 0..............5 cable gland .. 7 LS32M: 1cable inlet for ISO cable gland .......014 Right angle keywith shock absorber LSA40X07 1SBV 048 807 R1000 0........................0 .025 45 1SBC141157C0202 ...................M.......Double Insulation Plastic Casing IP65 and mm Width Metal Casing IP66 and Width LS30P80D11-S LS32M80D11-S LS40P80D12-S LS40M80D12-S LSA30P08 ............. 7 LS45P: cable inlet 1/2" NPT plastic adaptor ................P..007 kg.......014 Adjustable angle key LSA30P09 1SBV 048 609 R1000 0............................. 1 Ordering Details Product without Small Latch (Key) I Plastic Casing Width ip65 n Metal Casing Width IP66 Contact blocks 13 31 Type Order code Weight kg 14 state cable inlet code state cable inlet code Packing D12 L03 piece Plastic Lim itches ith djustable Head Every 90° 1 LS4 P80D12-S 1SBV03 80R1412 0.....................017 Adjustable angle key LSA40X09 1SBV 048 809 R1000 0..............0 1 LS43M: cable inlet for ISO cable gland ......... 4 LS40M: cable inlet for 13............. 8 LS35M: 1cable inlet for 1/2" NPT cable gland ..................