ABB Polohové spínače

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Základní přehled polohových spínačů ...

Vydal: ABB s.r.o, ELSYNN Autor: ABB ELSYnn

Strana 47 z 238

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Poznámky redaktora
0 13.5 m/s 0. Actuator Stainless steel plunger 012 stainless steel roller plunger 022 plastic roller lever on stainless steel plunger 022 plastic roller lever Conformity (N.M..1 33° Weight (packing per unit) 0.5 m/s 30 N 45 N EN 50041 (Cshape) 0.5 03.1 5.0 15.5 mm 21-221-----1--- i----------- 1 0 22° 38° 78° 21-221----- 1--- i----------- 1—_ \ 114 22 3. contact with positiveopening operation) Maximum actuation speed Min..3 10.0 03.8 15.5 [3] M20 1..5 m/s 22 N 40 N - © 1.5 m/s 12 N 40 N EN 50041 (Ashape) 1.0 4.5 mm 21-22I-----1--- •----------- 1 0 4.3 8.280 Special heads, accessories and special contact arrangement particular function: please consult us.0 6. force torque: actuation - positive opening operation EN 50041 (Bshape) 0.9 10.275 0.5 9.15 N.4 13-141 1 6.6 6.. iClosedcontact/ iOpencontact Dimensions (mm) 38 1SBC141157C0202 .0 4. .LS4.0 13-141 1 5.8 3.240 0.C.5 U 1/2" NPT Snap action contacts Type LS4 M11B11 LS4 M13B11 LS4 M31B11 LS4 M41B11 13 21 Zb Operation 01.240 0.2 10. 1 ire tio l 1 30° t.m Additional Technical Data LS type code complete with the cable inlet code .m 0....1 6.1 3.. Limit Switches Metal Casing IP66 Width 1 Cable Inlet for Cable Gland Movement detected: d 1 30° t.5 020° 33° 49° 78° 14 11-22 11:22 21-22[--1-------------------1^ diagram 13-uU-------------------1 13-141 I-------------------1 13-14I I-------------------1 13-14 Non-overlapping Slow action contacts Type LS4 M11D11 LS4 M13D11 LS4 M31D11 LS4 M41D11 13 21 Zb Operation diagram 0 2..30 N.7 6.