ABB Polohové spínače

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Vydal: ABB s.r.o, ELSYNN Autor: ABB ELSYnn

Strana 35 z 238

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Poznámky redaktora
.....050 kgwith metal casing.. M IEC 20/22 PVC cable code........................140 (1) add 0....4 5.125 0...............5 13-141 1______________ 1 3.3 5. P UL PVC cable code.....2 13-141 1______________1 3...1 m/s 0.....2 13-141 1______________ 1 5.............01...............0 mm 21-22 1--------- 1 0 1........LS2.....9 8... force torque: actuation N - positive opening operation N Additional Technical Data Cable output left right code.......9 3.........4 5.... iClosedcontact/ iOpencontact Dimensions (mm) 30 26 - Tighteningtorqueofnuts:5N...........9 4..... Limit Switches Plastic Casing [□] and Metal Casing IP67 Width Prewired Movement detected: For lastic Casing: Cable: 0.... contact with positiveopening operation) © Maximum actuation speed 0..9 4...C.....2 Weight (1) (packing per unit) 0.............. P Metal casing.P...........0 mm 14 BK 13-141 1______________ 1 3......0 5................4 5...130 0......0 mm 21-221--------- I 0 3......... and LS2...........5 m/s 0.....0 5... 0 Cable output bottom code.......73..............0 01...........9 4.....0 5...9 8.......m - Distancebetweennuts:9mm - Nutsthickness:3mm 1SBC141157C0202 .75 mm2/ AWG 18 Length: m (Other lengths see ordering details) O d 1 30° s.................01...............9 3...0 mm 21-221-----------1 ^ 1 [ Non-overlapping Slow action contacts Type LS2 11D11-□ LS2 12D11-□ LS2 16D11-□ LS2 21D11- 01 13 BK Zb Operation diagram 0 1....7 01...........0 01..... U Type completed with the above codes □ Snap action contacts Type LS2 11B11-□ LS2 12B11- LS2 16B11-□ LS2 21B11-□ 01 13 BK Zb Operation diagram 01......M................... 1 Plastic casing..7 mm 21-22 1--------- I 0 1............5 m/s Min.....125 0.....9 3.......................01.........3 6.......75 mm2/ AWG 18 Length: m (Other lengths see ordering details) For etal Casing: Cable: 0........5 m/s 0.................... 1 O d I I Actuator Metal plunger Metal Roller plunger Metal plunger (with dust protection cup) Metal plunger with fixing nuts @ (N...