Základní přehled polohových spínačů ...
Poznámky redaktora
P22 LS2..M21, LS2...M22, LS2.P15 LS2..P71 LS2.M24, LS2.Limit Switches IP67
LS2...M71, LS2.P72 LS2.P91
Steel roller plunger
with fixing nuts
Cross steel roller lever
with fixing nuts
014 Plastic roller lever Adjustable 018
plastic roller lever
Adjustable 03
steel rod lever
Spring rod
r I
© ©
.P51 LS2.P92
Adjustable Adjustable Adjustable Adjustable jzr3 Spring rod Flexible rod with insulated end
steel rod lever fibre-glass rod lever polyamide rod lever steel rod lever
LS2..M23, LS2.P7S LS2.P24 ..M15, LS2...M91, LS2.M92, LS2.M73, LS2..P91 LS2....M72, LS2...M LS2...M24, LS2.P73 LS2.M22, LS2.P22 LS2....P71 LS2.....P41 LS2.P24 LS2.M71, LS2..M7S, LS2..M25, LS2..M51, LS2..P23 LS2..P25
Cross plastic roller plunger Brass plain plunger Steel roller plunger Plastic roller plunger Cross roller plunger Cross plastic roller plunger
with fixing nuts with fixing nuts with fixing nuts with fixing nuts with fixing nuts
LS2...P21 LS2.M91, LS2....