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Joysticky Kompaktni pohybová tlačítka Kompaktní prosvětlená tlačítka Přídavné držáky popisných štítků potenciometry Montažní nástroje ...

Vydal: ABB s.r.o, ELSYNN Autor: ABB ELSYnn

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Poznámky redaktora
Accessories Contact Blocks and Holder Micro Switch Blocks LED Block with built Legend Plate Holders for leakage current protection Joystick egLegend Plate Holders Legend Plate Holder for Double Pushbutton Protective Cover Mounting Tool Enclosures Mounting Tool for Power Tool Empty Enclosures Description Type Order Code Package Qty Separate Holder Holders three blocks MCBH-00 1SFA611605R1100 10 Contact Blocks (see page 34) 1 MCB-10 1SFA611610R1001 10 1 MCB-01 1SFA611610R1010 10 Micro Switch Blocks 1 MCBL-10 1SFA611612R1010 10 1 MCBL-01 1SFA611612R1001 10 Contact Blocks with 3-Blocks Holder included (Contact Blocks see page 34) 1 MCBH-10 1SFA611605R1101 1 1 MCBH-01 1SFA611605R1110 1 2 MCBH-02 1SFA611605R1120 1 2 MCBH-20 1SFA611605R1102 1 1 MCBH-11 1SFA611605R1111 1 2 MCBH-21 1SFA611605R1112 1 LED Blocks (see page 32, 61) Colors =5 Rated Voltage MLBL-01 1SFA611621R10lH 10 Rated Voltage 110-130 MLBL-04B ISFA6I 62IRIO4J 10 Rated Voltage 110-130 MLBL-05n ISFA6I 62IRIO5J 10 Rated Voltage 220 MLBL-06n 1SFA611621R106J 10 Rated Voltage 230 MLBL-07n 1SFA611621R107B 10 Legend Plate Holders Legend Plate older (4-pos. Double) MA1-8039 1SFA611920R8039 1 Legend Plate older (black) KA1-8120 1SFA616920R8120 10 Inserts ith out text KA1-8121 1SFA616920R8121 10 Legend Plate older for Plastic Enclosure MA6-1060 1SFA611930R1060 10 Inserts ith out text for Plastic Enclosure MA6-1061 1SFA611930R1061 10 Accessories (see page 34, 52, 63) M ounting Tool MA1-8015 1SFA611920R8015 1 M ounting Tool for Tool MA1-8149 1SFA611920R8149 1 Silicone brane Flush Pushbutton KA1-8052 1SFA611920R8052 1 Silicone brane Extended Pushbutton KA1-8002 1SFA611920R8002 1 Silicone brane Double ushbutton MA1-8126 1SFA611920R8126 1 Locking Nut MA1-8019 1SFA611920R8019 10 Light Diffusing Lens KA1-8005 1SFA611920R8005 1 Protective Cover KA1-8010 1SFA611920R8010 1 Spacer* SK615516-1 1 Spacer for odular ergency top* KA1-8045 1SFA616920R8045 1 *Spacer needed when Legend Plates are not used Plastic Enclosures Description Type Order Code Package Qty Empty Plastic Enclosures for Modular and Compact Range ■ 1-seat MEPY1-0 1SFA611821R1000 1 ■ 1-seat MEP1-0 1SFA611811R1000 1 ■ 2-seat MEP2-0 1SFA611812R1000 1 ■ 3-seat MEP3-0 1SFA611813R1000 1 ■ 4-seat MEP4-0 1SFA611814R1000 1 ■ 6-seat MEP6-0 1SFA611816R1000 1 Shroud ■ Yellow MA1-8053 1SFA611920R8053 1 ■ Grey MA1-8128 1SFA611920R8128 1 Empty Plastic Enclosures for Compact Range ■ Yellow /Light grey CEPY1-0 1SFA619821R1000 1 ■ Dark grey/Light grey CEP1-0 1SFA619811R1000 1 Shroud ■ Yellow CA1-8053 1SFA619920R8053 1 ■ Grey CA1-8054 1SFA619920R8054 1 DIN-rail Adaptor DIN-rail apto MA1-8131 1SFA611920R8131 1 DIN-rail Adaptor Enclosures see page 57 . Joystick) MA1-8137 1SFA611920R8137 1 Legend Plate older (2-pos. Joystick) MA1-8138 1SFA611920R8138 1 Legend Plate older (2-pos