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Vydal: ABB s.r.o, ELSYNN Autor: ABB ELSYnn

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Poznámky redaktora
015 Momentary, spring return from and from B • Red M3SSV2-11R 1SFA 611 231 R1101 1x10 0. Order Code Black Plastic M3SSVX-1XX 1SFA61123X R1XOX Chrome Metal M3SSVX-3XX 1SFA61123X R3X0X Operator: Three-position Selector Switch Three-position Selector Switch non-illuminated Momentary, spring return from B Description Type Order Code Package Quantity Weight Kg Short Handle, non-illuminated Maintained i Red M3SSV1-10R 1SFA 611 230 R1001 1x10 0.015 ' f • Green M3SSV1-11G Í1SFA 611 230 R1102 1x10 0.015 • Yellow M3SSV3-11Y 1SFA611 232 R1103 1x10 0. Other Lamp Block see accessories Contacts actuated Right Enclosure with Selector Switches Handle position S A c B Z> ____ C □ Not actuated □ Actuated □ cc □ □ □ □ □ 60 Pilot Devices 1SFC151004C0201 .1 Operator + Contact Blocks for rear mounting Alt.015 • Red M3SSV3-10R Í1SFA 611 232 R1001 1x10 0.015 CD Black M3SSV3-10B Í1SFA611 232 R1006 1x10 0.015 i Black M3SSV1-10B 1SFA611 230 R1006 1x10 0.015 Note: contact centre position.015 • Green M3SSV2-11G 1SFA 611 231 R1102 1x10 0.015 Momentary, spring return from B • Red M3SSV3-11R 1SFA 611 232 R1101 1x10 0.015 Momentary, spring return from and from B i Red M3SSV2-10R 1SFA 611 231 R1001 1x10 0. Lamp Block for max 230 VAC/DC.015 i Black M3SSV2-10B 1SFA 611 231 R1006 1x10 0.Three Position Selector Switches ModularRange for Vertically Mounted Enclosures How order: Alt.015 • Yellow M3SSV2-11Y 1SFA 611 231 R1103 1x10 0.015 • Yellow M3SSV1-11Y 1SFA611 230 R1103 1x10 0.015 Three-position Selector Switch illuminated Short Handle, illuminated Maintained • Red M3SSV1-11R 1SFA 611 230 R1101 1x10 0.015 • Green M3SSV3-11G 1SFA611 232 R1102 1x10 0.2 Operator + Contact Blocks and Lamp Block for rear mounting Contact Blocks and LED block Operator (with Locking Nut) Bezel How order Black Plastic Standard Chrome Metal Replace with '3' In Type and Order Codes Bezel Options Typ. Bulb not included