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Vydal: ABB s.r.o, ELSYNN Autor: ABB ELSYnn

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Poznámky redaktora
B.016 Assembled Stations see page 65.5/Pg16 and (M20) 4-seat and 6-seat enclosures: M25/Pg and (M20) UL-listed Applications: For end line use only. Enclosures for Compact Range € Description Type Order Code Package Quantity Weight Kg Enclosure for emergency stop pushbutton ■ Yellow/Light grey CEPY1-0 1SFA 619 821 R1000 0.15 1-seat Yellow/Light grey MEPY1-0 1SFA 611 821 R1000 0.016 Enclosure for machine stop pushbutton Plastic Enclosure for Emer- Stop Pushbutton (yellow) achine Stops (Grey) ■ Dark grey/Light grey CEP1-0 1SFA 619 811 R1000 0.Plastic Enclosures for Modular Compact Range Compact Range Modular Range Empty enclosures 1-seat 6-seat Description Type Order Code Package Quantity Weight Kg Empty plastic enclosures with stainless steel screws 1-seat Dark grey/Light grey MEP1-0 1SFA 611 811 R1000 0.17 3-seat Dark grey/Light grey MEP3-0 1SFA 611 813 R1000 0. (for rear mounted Pilot Devices) • Holes for Cable Glands 1-seat 3-seat enclosures: M20 and 13.072 Shroud ■ Grey CA1-8054 1SFA 619 920 R8054 0.20 4-seat Dark grey/Light grey MEP4-0 1SFA 611 814 R1000 0. 58 Pilot Devices 1SFC151004C0201 .30 When ordering • Select Operators • Note: Select Contact Blocks and Lamp Blocks for rear mounting • Accessories N.23 6-seat Dark grey/Light grey MEP6-0 1SFA 611 816 R1000 0. One spacer per operator has be ordered Legend Plate not used.15 2-seat Dark grey/Light grey MEP2-0 1SFA 611 812 R1000 0.072 *1 Shroud ♦ Yellow CA1-8053 1SFA 619 920 R8053 0