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Joysticky Kompaktni pohybová tlačítka Kompaktní prosvětlená tlačítka Přídavné držáky popisných štítků potenciometry Montažní nástroje ...

Vydal: ABB s.r.o, ELSYNN Autor: ABB ELSYnn

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Poznámky redaktora
75 A at: 250 0.31 Y=0.32 means the position of color the ICI Chromaticity Diagram Voltage Tolerance LED Bulbs -30 +10 Voltage acceptable without affecting the Service Life Voltage Peaks LED Bulbs Voltage peaks 1000 Current peaks 500 during few msec Glowing Light All integrated LED Bulbs have function built cut leakage currents 56 Pilot Devices 1SFC151004C0201 .11 A Short Circuit Protection Max.5 A at: 125 0.2 A Ratings per UL, CSA, NEMA C300 R300 AC DC Rated Insulation Voltage 250 250 V Rated Thermal Current 2.5 A Rated Operational Current at: 120 1.3 A 0.Technical Data Electrical Data Contacts Ratings per IEC 60947-5-1 Rated Insulation Voltage, 300 V Rated Thermal Current, Ith A Rated Operational Current, Ie Utilization category AC-15 at: 240 A Rated Operational Current, Ie Utilization category DC-13, at: V at: 125 V 0.22 A at: 240 0. fuse 10A Minimum Switching Capacity 5 mA Make-and-break Contacts Push- utton Emergency Stop Pushbutton NC -1-J-o_ -2 NO -e— -e ■ Clasek contact Clasek contact Compact Range LED Bulbs Service Life for LED Bulbs means number service hours until the brightness has been reduced down Service Life 000 h Color white LED x=0