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Vydal: ABB s.r.o, ELSYNN Autor: ABB ELSYnn

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Poznámky redaktora
023 • Green 520 126 CL-502G 1SFA 619 402 R5022 1x10 0.023 B White CL-504W 1SFA 619 402 R5045 1x10 0.023 • Blue 470 CL-504L 1SFA 619 402 R5044 1x10 0.023 • Blue 470 CL-505L 1SFA 619 402 R5054 1x10 0.023 • Blue 470 CL-502L 1SFA 619 402 R5024 1x10 0.023 Rated Voltage 110-130 AC • Red 625 CL-513R 1SFA 619 402 R5131 1x10 • Green 520 126 CL-504G 1SFA 619 402 R5042 1x10 0.023 • Blue 470 CL-513L 1SFA 619 402 R5134 1x10 0.023 Rated Voltage AC/DC • Red 625 CL-505R 1SFA 619 402 R5051 1x10 0.023 • Green 520 126 CL-515G 1SFA 619 402 R5152 1x10 0.31, Y=0. 2)X=0.023 • Yellow 590 CL-505Y 1SFA 619 402 R5053 1x10 0.023 M White 2) 88 CL-513W 1SFA 619 402 R5135 1x10 0.023 • Green 520 126 CL-505G 1SFA 619 402 R5052 1x10 0.023 B White CL-501W 1SFA 619 402 R5015 1x10 0.023 w White CL-520W 1SFA 619 402 R5205 1x10 0.023 • Yellow 590 CL-501Y 1SFA 619 402 R5013 1x10 0.023 Rated Voltage 220 1) • Red 625 CL-520R 1SFA 619 402 R5201 1x10 0.023 S White 2) 88 CL-515W 1SFA 619 402 R5155 1x10 0.023 • Blue 470 CL-501L 1SFA 619 402 R5014 1x10 0.023 Note: 1)Care should taken for supply where and must correctly connected.023 Rated Voltage 110-130 1) • Red 625 CL-515R 1SFA 619 402 R5151 1x10 0. L-Mark Customer specific marking online.023 • Yellow 590 CL-504Y 1SFA 619 402 R5043 1x10 0.023 Rated Voltage AC/DC • Red 625 CL-504R 1SFA 619 402 R5041 1x10 • Yellow 590 CL-520Y 1SFA 619 402 R5203 1x10 0. This marked (+) and (-) the product.023 • Yellow 590 CL-502Y 1SFA 619 402 R5023 1x10 0.023 P White 2) 88 CL-502W 1SFA 619 402 R5025 1x10 0.023 • Yellow 590 CL-513Y 1SFA 619 402 R5133 1x10 0.023 Rated Voltage AC/DC • Red 625 CL-502R 1SFA 619 402 R5021 1x10 0.023 b White 2) 88 CL-505W 1SFA 619 402 R5055 1x10 0. For more information see page4 goto: http://bolservices.023 • Green 520 126 CL-520G 1SFA 619 402 R5202 1x10 0.32 according the ICI Chromaticity Diagram.023 • Green 520 126 CL-501G 1SFA 619 402 R5012 1x10 0.023 • Green 520 126 CL-513G 1SFA 619 402 R5132 1x10 0.023 • Blue 470 CL-520L 1SFA 619 402 R5204 1x10 0.023 • Yellow 590 CL-515Y 1SFA 619 402 R5153 1x10 0.Pilot Lights with integrated LED ange a Operator: Pilot Light with integrated LED Pilot Light with integrated LED, with leakage current protection Description Rated Current mA Wave­ length nm Luminance mcd Type Order Code Package Quantity Weight Kg Pilot Light with integrated LED Service Life >50 000 hours Rated Voltage 1 • Red 625 CL-501R 1SFA 619 402 R5011 1x10 /pilot-devices 50 Pilot Devices 1SFC151004C0201 .023 • Blue 470 CL-515L 1SFA 619 402 R5154 1x10 0