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Vydal: ABB s.r.o, ELSYNN Autor: ABB ELSYnn

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Poznámky redaktora
005 Note: Care should taken for supply where and must correctly connected.2 000 190 5911 086-14 0.32 according the ICI Chromaticity Diagram.005 • Green 525 500 KA2-2232 1SFA 616 921 R2232 0.2 000 250 5911 086-4 0.002 A Lamp Changing Tool required for changing bulb. This marked (+) and (-) the product. This marked (+) and (-) the product.2 000 350 5911 086-11 0.002 48 000 500 5911 086-5 0.2 000 280 5911 086-13 0. Choose the same color the LED the lamp cap.002 A Lamp Changing Tool required for changing bulb.002 24 1.002 60 1.2 000 203 5911 086-12 0. Lamp Changing Tool 1SFC151004C0201 Pilot Devices 39 .005 • Yellow 592 KA2-2233 1SFA 616 921 R2233 0.002 12 100 1.005 • Yellow 585 000 4950 512-3 0. Flashing LED Bulbs V VXfc Filament Bulbs Rated Voltage Rated Current mA, DC Description Wavelength nm Service Life hours Type Order Code Package Quantity Weight Kg • Red 630 000 4950 512-1 0.31, Y=0. Filament Bulbs base Rated Voltage V AC/DC Rated Current A Rated Output W Service Life h Luminance mcd Type Order Code Package Quantity Weight Kg 6 200 1.005 Note: Care should taken for supply where and must correctly connected. Choose the same color the LED the lamp cap.Accessories for Modular Range LED and Filament Bulbs Modular Range □ □ u-^j=ra Description Wavelength nm Luminance mcd Type Order Code Package Quantity Weight Kg LED Bulbs continued Rated Voltage 230 AC/DC, Rated Current mA, Service Life 000 h • Red 630 KA2-2231 1SFA 616 921 R2231 0. Lamp Changing Tool For LED Bulbs and for bulbs KA1-8072 1SFA 616 920 R8072 0.002 130 500 120 5911 086-15 0.005 • Blue 470 220 KA2-2234 1SFA 616 921 R2234 0.005 White 350 KA2-2235 1SFA 616 921 R2235 0.002 30 1. 11X=0.002 110 500 250 5911 086-7 0.005 0 Green 565 000 4950 512-2 0