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Vydal: ABB s.r.o, ELSYNN Autor: ABB ELSYnn

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Poznámky redaktora
013 1 MCB-01 1SFA 611 610 R1010 1x10 0.010 Contact Block Micro Switch Blocks Double Contact Block for front mounting 2 MCB-20 1SFA 611 610 R1002 1x10 0.013 1 MCB-01 1SFA 611 610 H1010 100 0.006 Holders for five positions* MCBH5-00 1SFA 611 601 R1100 1x10 0. Also when using MCBH-00 together with Selector Switch and Contact Block position needed Contact Blocks with Holder for front mounting For non-illuminated Operators Double Contact Blocks 1 MCBH-01 1SFA 611 605 R1110 1x10 0.013 1 with gold plated contacts MCB-01G 1SFA 611 610 R1110 1x10 0.019 2 MCBH-02 1SFA 611 605 R1120 1x10 0.026 Note: used together with MCBH5-00 when Contact Blocks position and are needed.026 1 MCB-11 1SFA 611 610 R1011 1x10 0.013 Micro Switch Blocks 1 MCBL-10 1SFA 611 612 R1010 1x10 0.013 1 MCB-10 1SFA 611 610 H1001 100 0.008 * Note: Double Contact Blocks are required side positions Single Contact Blocks for front mounting 1 MCB-10 1SFA 611 610 R1001 1x10 0.032 34 Pilot Devices 1SFC151004C0201 .010 1 MCBL-01 1SFA 611 612 R1001 1x10 0.032 2 MCBH-20 1SFA 611 605 R1102 1x10 0.026 2 MCB-02 1SFA 611 610 R1020 1x10 0.013 1 with gold plated contacts MCB-10G 1SFA 611 610 R1101 1x10 0.019 1 MCBH-10 1SFA 611 605 R1101 1x10 0.032 1 MCBH-11 1SFA 611 605 R1111 1x10 0.Accessories for Modular Range Contact Blocks and Holders □ Modular Range Holders for Contact Block n Description Type Order Code Package Quantity Weight Kg Holders Holders for three positions MCBH-00 1SFA 611 605 R1100 1x10 0