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Joysticky Kompaktni pohybová tlačítka Kompaktní prosvětlená tlačítka Přídavné držáky popisných štítků potenciometry Montažní nástroje ...

Vydal: ABB s.r.o, ELSYNN Autor: ABB ELSYnn

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Poznámky redaktora
025 Green Indicator Light • Red No text text MPD1-11G 1SFA 611 130 R1102 1x10 I MPD2-11G 1SFA 611 131 R1102 1x10 0.025 With customer selected text MPD5-11C-L 1SFA 611 134 L1108 1x10 0.025 ON OFF MPD3-11Y 1SFA 611 132 R1103 1x10 0.025 START STOP MPD4-11R 1SFA 611 133 R1101 1x10 0.025 START STOP MPD4-11C 1SFA 611 133 R1108 1x10 /pilot-devices Upper Button Lower Button Type Order Code Package Quantity Weight Kg Flush Pushbutton Red Indicator Light • Green Red No text text MPD1-11R 1SFA 611 130 R1101 1x10 0.025 START STOP MPD4-11Y 1SFA 611 133 R1103 1x10 0.1 Operator + Holder + Contact Blocks + LED/Lamp Block Alt.025 START STOP MPD4-11G 1SFA 611 133 R1102 1x10 0.025 ä White Black No text text MPD5-11G 1SFA 611 134 R1102 1x10 0.025 • White Black No text text MPD5-11C 1SFA 611 134 R1108 1x10 0.Double Pushbuttons illuminated Modular Range How order: Alt.025 § White Black No text text MPD5-11Y 1SFA 611 134 R1103 1x10 For F more information .025 With customer selected text MPD5-11R-L 1SFA 611 134 L1101 1x10 0.2 Operator + Holder with Contact Blocks and Lamp Block Contact Blocks and LED/Lamp Block Holder Operator (with Locking Nut) Operator: Double Pushbutton Double Pushbutton, illuminated Double Pushbutton, illuminated Contact Blocks and Holder see the fold-out page the end the catalog Customer specific I marking online.025 ä White Black No text text MPD5-11R 1SFA 611 134 R1101 1x10 0.025 14 Pilot Devices 1SFC151004C0201 . see page to: http://bolservices.025 Yellow Indicator l Green Light • Red No text text MPD1-11Y 1SFA 611 130 R1103 1x10 0.025 With customer selected text MPD5-11G-L 1SFA 611 134 L1102 1x10 0.025 Clear Indicator L • Green ght • Red No text text MPD1-11C 1SFA 611 130 R1108 1x10 0.025 With customer selected text MPD5-11Y-L 1SFA 611 134 L1103 1x10 0.025 ON OFF MPD3-11C 1SFA 611 132 R1108 1x10 0.025 ON OFF MPD3-11G 1SFA 611 132 R1102 1x10 0.025 ON OFF MPD3-11R 1SFA 611 132 R1101 1x10 0.025 I MPD2-11C 1SFA 611 131 R1108 1x10 0.025 I MPD2-11R 1SFA 611 131 R1101 1x10 0.025 I MPD2-11Y 1SFA 611 131 R1103 1x10 0