ABB Ovládací a signalizační prvky

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Vydal: ABB s.r.o, ELSYNN Autor: ABB ELSYnn

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Poznámky redaktora
1SFC151004C0201 Pilot Devices. Both feature the sam front-of-panel design and appear consistent when com bined. • The pact Range features all-in-one construction and rugged design for added sim plicity and ease of installation. Wiping Action The ontact locks for both com act and odular devices feature self-cleaning contacts per built-in iping action. This feature ensures a good, clean con tact even applications seldom periodic use. • The odular Range, features ide range of operators that can com bined ith high flexibility. Upon operation, the oving contact rolls over and slides side­ ways when touching the fixed contact. IP67 IP69K A BB's entire pact Range, and selected devices from the M odular Range, are approved IP67 and IP69K. The unique snap-on design prom otes sim ple and fast assem bly. This means that the products are designed ithstand periodic subm er­ sion, well high pressure, high tem perature spraydow n. IP67: Submersion one meter for minutes. IP69K: High pressure, high temperature spraydown at multiple angles and rotation.Pilot Devices Offering ABB Pilot Devices offers both odular and pact Range of ushbuttons