ABB Odpínače 16-125A (160A) Přepínače 16-125A Inovovaná řada

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Vydal: ABB s.r.o, ELSYNN Autor: ABB ELSYnn

Strana 85 z 526

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Poznámky redaktora
s..0 Single phase 120 HP/A 1/16..500 25 690 25 Rated operational current, AC-23A 415 20 440 20 500 20 690 11 Rated conditional short-circuit current Ip(r.0 600 HP/A 10/11 20/22.) 4 Max. 2) Fuse size 70A for RK5. oprerating voltage 600 600 Max.7 Short circuit rating with fuse Maximum fuse size 602) 602) Fuse type 10 Fuse type 1G Fuse type 10 Fuse type RK1 10 Fuse type RK5 5 Fuse type kA Fuse type kA Maximum General Use, ratings Current rating 250 VDC A at 600 VDC A DC horsepower rating for 4-pole switch 600 VDC HP DC horsepower rating for 2-pole switch 125 VDC HP at 250 VDC HP DC short circuit rating for 4-pole switch with circuit breaker kA DC short circuit rating for 2-pole switch with circuit breaker 250 VDC kA with circuit breaker 600 VDC kA with class fuse 250 VDC kA .75...7.m. cycles 000 000 Mechanical endurance operations 000 000 Terminal lug kits integral integral Wire range AWG 18-8 18-8 Torque Wire tightening Ib. IEC60269) (r..0 /motor FLA current Three phase 480 HP/A 10/14.m.0 1.5/20.) kA listed fuse manufacturers Max. OFA_ fuse size gG/aM 415 40/32 40/32 The cut-off current refers values (r.s..0 240 HP/A 2/13. with fuse size A Endurances Min.. OFA_fuse size gG/aM 690 A Rated short-time withstand current r.705 Power loss pole rated operational current 0.705 0.5 240 HP/A 5/15. horsepower rating pf= 0..5 max.m..11 4-pole 0.. 000 000 Weight without accessories 3-pole 0.11 0. OFA_ fuse size gG/aM 690 25/16 25/16 at prospective SC-current kA Max.15 0.s. Placing options the operating mechanism for OT200.) 6.0.600 Size Switch type A 20 OT16 30 OT25 Approvals11 pole 3 pole UL508 IEC UL508 IEC 4 pole UL508 IEC UL508 IEC Technical data according UL/CSA, ratings General purpose amp rating pf= 0. electrical endurance, pf.5 6.5/22. allowed cut-off current Max.0.600 N At the end of the switch fuse OT 04 T°T loT N Between the poles OT 22 MToT 14 Technical data itc isco cto rs .. -value 690 0.m. 0.5 0..15 1) Listed switches are also CSA Approved.2 7.Technical data Non fusible disconnect switches OT16.8 4 o o 4 o C A 30 Max.3 7 Lug mounting Technical data according IEC 60947-3 Rated insulation voltage and rated operational voltage AC20/DC20 Pollution degree 750 750 Dielectric strength 1min.0 15/21.m.2 3/18.8 oper.4. 6 Rated impulse withstand voltage 8 Rated operational current, AC-22A 415 25 440.5 Rated short circuit making capacity Peak value 690 V/500 0. OFA_ fuse size gG/aM 690 A (single phase test acc.) and corresponding (r.6 Mechanical endurance Divide two for operation cycles Oper..s.0.s.