ABB Odpínače 16-125A (160A) Přepínače 16-125A Inovovaná řada

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Vydal: ABB s.r.o, ELSYNN Autor: ABB ELSYnn

Strana 480 z 526

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Poznámky redaktora
0 OO S lin g To prevent dust and moisture penetrating along the switch shaft when handle installed.003 0. The text can specified with Camweb tool.003 Size 90x90 Silver Yellow OL125, OL160 OLR2 OL125, OL160 OLR2_ 0 09 9Y FF LL OO 1SCA022796R5180 1SCA022796R5260 10 10 0. Size 30x30 Silver Yellow OM 1 OM_ OMPR_1 OMF101 OMFY101 1SCA022540R4590 1SCA022796R3210 10 10 0. Colour For cam switches/ handle size Type Order number Delivery Weight/ batch unit [pcs] [kg] F ith g The text can specified with Camweb tool. 36 ABB 1SCC302003C0201 .01 A itio tte rin ith fra ith s Including the lettering plate and the frame.003 0.003 0.003 0..17 mm.01 Size 48x48 Black frame Grey frame ON_PB, 40 ON_PB, 40 ONFB72 ONFG72 1SCA022555R5020 1SCA022556R1930 5 5 0.0. Width 30 Width 48 Width 64 OM ON, 40 ON, 40.006 F ring Black Black OM ON_PB, OL40 OMX99 ONX99 1SCA022553R8100 1SCA022553R7710 10 10 11 . Door drilling 16.003 Size 44x44 Silver OL40 ONP 1 Yellow ON_P_, OL40_P_ ONPR_1 ONF101 ONFY101 1SCA022540R6290 1SCA022716R4250 10 10 0.Accessories Ordering details OMF101 ONF101 ONF64 OLF90 a äOM FB72 ONFB72 OM F72 ONF72 o o OM X99 ONX99 ONFM101 OLFB64 OLF72 Front plates The type and the ordering number are for one piece.01 0.80N_ ONPLR_1 OLF64 OLFY64 1SCA022798R6260 1SCA022798R6340 10 10 0.01 Size 130x130 Silver Yellow OL200 OLR3 OL200IOLR3R 0 03 FF LL OO 1SCA022796R5420 1SCA022796R5340 10 10 0.003 0..160 12 OO 1SCA022807R0300 1SCA022807R0560 10 10 11 .0 OO 1) The type generated Camweb configuration tool for the cam switch with large front plate, for example the cam switch type ON5PB wanted with special size handle 64x64, the Camweb will generate the new cam switch type ON5PLB.01 0....01 0.01 Size H=45mm, W=54mm Grey ON_M ONFM101 1SCA022553R8520 0... The text can specified with Camweb tool. Protection IP65 from the front..80N, ON_L_, OL40_L_1) 72722 ÉëS OOO 1SCA111687R1001 1SCA111688R1001 1SCA111689R1001 555 0.01 0.01 Size 64x64 Black frame Grey frame ON PB, 40..01 0.80N, ON_L_, OL40_L_1) ON PB, 40.003 Size 64x64 Silver Yellow ON_L_, OL40_L_1), OL40....003 0..01 L tte rin ith fra e Without engraving.0.003 Size 46x46 Silver Yellow ON_R_, OL40_R_ ON_R_, OL40_R_ ONRF101 ONRFY101 1SCA106725R1001 1SCA106726R1001 10 10 0.80N, ON_L_, OL40_L_1) OLFB64 OLFG64 1SCA022796R3300 1SCA022796R3480 10 10 0..80N OL 125. Size 30x30 Black frame Grey frame MM OO OMFB72 OMFG72 1SCA022555R4990 1SCA022556R1850 55 0...80N ONPL 1 ON_L_, OL40_L_1), OL40. ON, OL40.003 L tte rin s Including the lettering plate and the frame For OZ33_ and OZ371 OZB372 1SCA113098R1001 0