ABB Odpínače 16-125A (160A) Přepínače 16-125A Inovovaná řada

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Vydal: ABB s.r.o, ELSYNN Autor: ABB ELSYnn

Strana 473 z 526

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Poznámky redaktora
04 0.04 0. Stop Start ONSEA1PB 1SCA022605R8610 0.09 Door mounted, screw mounted handle 0 - 1 R 1 St Ď) t 1 25 ONSEA10RB 1SCA100296R1001 0.09 DIN-rail mounted 0 - 1 R 1 St Ď) t 1 25 ONSEA10M 1SCA022565R5750 0.09 Door mounted, round front ring 0 - 1 R 1 St Ď) t 1 25 ONSEA10XB 1SCA022708R9290 0.Rotary cam switches Ordering details 1 3 '1 4 STOP X X 2 4 STOP X START X I I { ŕ 2 4 START X 1 S1MT I /" A " J . 2 4 START X O_SEA10_ 1 7 S ^ ^*stL X 6 8 X Motor control switches Black handle and front plate with position indication are included.04 1 ONSE2PB 1SCA022563R6290 0. The type and the ordering number are for one piece.09 Start 1R- 2r- Start R 25 ONUR139M 1SCA022568R3370 0.05 0.09 S itc s Step angle 30°, OMSE2_ with spring return.09 S itc s Step angle 30°, with spring return, contacts N.09 DIN-rail mounted 0 ONSE158M 1SCA022565R5830 0. Door mounted, snap-on mounted handle 0R- Stop 10 2 25 OMSA2PB ONSA2PB 1SCA022531R6380 1SCA022531R6710 10 10 0.09 ' Packing sizes for pcs: 130 100 120 [mm] - ON, OL40 250 100 110 [mm] ■ A»» 29 1SCC302003C0201 . Function Number Rated Type Order number Delivery Weight/ of thermal batch unit poles current Ith [A] [pcs] [kg] P itc s Step angle 60° 0 10 1 25 OMSE158PB ONSE158PB 1SCA022545R4930 1SCA022534R2540 10 10 0.04 0R- Start OMSE2PB 1SCA022531R6460 0. .C.09 Start 1R- 2r- Start ONUR139PB 1SCA022531R6970 0.04 Step angle 90°- 30°, with spring return Door mounted, snap-on mounted handle 0 - 1 R1 St Ď) t 11 10 25 OMSEA10PB ONSEA10PB 1SCA022531R6540 1SCA022531R6890 10 10 0