ABB Odpínače 16-125A (160A) Přepínače 16-125A Inovovaná řada

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Vydal: ABB s.r.o, ELSYNN Autor: ABB ELSYnn

Strana 427 z 526

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Poznámky redaktora
16 0.0 800x230 - 800x330 - OEZXP280 OEZXP380 1SCA022277R3910 1SCA022277R4720 3P0 4.5 OEZXP R OEZXR020 OEZXR023 OEZXR025 OEZXR037 OEZXR040 1SCA022656R8130 1SCA022277R5290 1SCA022656R8120 1SCA022277R5450 1SCA022656R8300 0.6 2.8 1.5 and 25.40 43 PP 55 CD-»■ OO mm ££ TJTJ __ DODO OEZXR150 OEZXR158 1SCA022277R6000 1SCA022277R6260 0.18 OEZXR150 and 64 OEZXR158 OEZXX158R 1SCA022350R3910 0.35 0.18 1 Includes knock-outs 10, 12.30 Ring-flange coverswith knock-out openings Knock-out Suitable for size [mm] cable entries Type Ordering number Weight [kg] 20.16 0.5 2.16 0.5, 20.16 Plate extensionfor ring-flanges Screwsareincluded inthe delivery.4 4.5 Cable entrygasket set for IP65 switches For IP65switchesonly, seal upthecable entry OEZXX2 1SCA022281R5340 Cable flanges for steel sheet enclosures Ring-flangesfor different cable diameters Outside diameter Suitable for of cable [mm] cable entries Type Ordering number Weight [kg] RR nV EE OO LD*■CO <NCO OEZXR134 OEZXR143 1SCA022277R5610 1SCA022277R5880 0.5 OEZXP R 22.2 4.2 Cable entrieswith C-flange entries, compact 21 250x180 - 400x230 - 400x330 - OEZXP120C 1> OEZXP240C OEZXP340C 1SCA022338R5360 1SCA022338R5520 1SCA022338R5790 0.5, 25. Size Number Number Type Ordering number Weight cable entry C-flange ring-flange W entries entries [mm] [pcs] [pcs] [kg] Blankentries, noflange entries 250x180 OEZXP1201) 1SCA022277R2350 0.5 OEZXP R 25.1 800x230 8 800x330 8 OEZXP28R OEZXP38R 1SCA022277R4560 1SCA022277R5020 3.5 2) Includes knock-outs 10, 12.7 2.5 ABB 35 1SCC340009C0201 .0 Cable entrieswith ring-flange entries, divided 2 400x230 4 400x330 4 OEZXP24R OEZXP34R 1SCA022277R3160 1SCA022277R3750 1. Theflanges haveto be ordered separately. Suitable for Dimensions [mm] ring-flanges B Type Ordering number Weight [kg] OEZXR134 and 43 OEZXR143 OEZXX143R 1SCA022350R3820 0.16 0.3 800x230 - 800x330 - OEZXP280C OEZXP380C 1SCA022338R5950 1SCA022338R6170 3. With plateextension the plasticshrinkfilmcan mounted over the ring-flangeandthecable.45 0.5 OEZXP R 37 OEZXP R 40.5, 20.r Accessories Ordering information OEZXP OEZXP R OEZXP OEZXR1_ OEZXR0_ OEZXX1 Cable entries for steel sheet enclosed switches Thesecableentriesarealso usedforfixingthe enclosed switches.8 400x230 - 400x330 - OEZXP240 OEZXP340 1SCA022277R2780 1SCA022277R3320 1.5 and 32