ABB Odpínače 16-125A (160A) Přepínače 16-125A Inovovaná řada

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Odpínače 16...125A popis vlastností technické parametry | Odpínače OT 16...125F s montáží na základnu nebo DIN lištu | výběrová tabulka objednací údaje rozměrové výkresy | Odpínače OT s montáží do panelu výběrová tabulka objednací údaje rozměrové výkresy ...

Vydal: ABB s.r.o, ELSYNN Autor: ABB ELSYnn

Strana 396 z 526

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Poznámky redaktora
Stainless steel sheet The stainless steel sheet enclosures are made AISI 304 stainless steel. ABB4 1SCC340009C0201 . They are used particulary food and beverage industry and locations where high hygienity required. In addition they are light and easy install and handle. Resistance against UV-radiation (UL-F1) Enclosure types Plastic The plastic enclosures are most suitable for locations with high chemical and moisture requirements. They are rated for utilisation categories including disconnecting well making and breaking the load. Steel sheet The steel sheet enclosures are hot dip galvanised and the surface polyester powder painted.Complete range for various applications From 1600 690 V Enclosed switches are designed and used main switches for applications which need isolated from the network. addition the switch fuses equipped with fuse links protects the application and the cables from overload currents and shortcircuits. In addition attractive look the surface does not require any painting and the smooth surface easy to clean. The enclosures are durable and robust for most environments. The range includes switch disconnectors, switch fuses and change-over switches enclosed plastic, steel sheet stainless steel sheet enclosures