Odpínače 16...125A popis vlastností technické parametry | Odpínače OT 16...125F s montáží na základnu nebo DIN lištu | výběrová tabulka objednací údaje rozměrové výkresy | Odpínače OT s montáží do panelu výběrová tabulka objednací údaje rozměrové výkresy ...
Poznámky redaktora
46.5, 32...0
800 330 0EZXPE380 1SCA022399R0390 4.2
800 330 OEZXPE38R 1SCA022399R0710 4..6
400 330 OEZXPE34R 1SCA022399R0550 2.^
Ordering information
O EZXRE020, 023,
025, 037, 040
Cable entries for steel sheet enclosed EMC safety switches
The cable entries are used for mounting the safety switches.1
800 230 OEZXPE28R 1SCA022399R0630 3....5, 20.0
C able entries ith ring-flange entries, divided 2)
400 230 OEZXPE24R 1SCA022399R0470 1.76 85SET 1SCA022727R1760
M 2/M 25/M 32SE 1SCA022722R3790
1) Includes knock-outs 10, 12.16
R ing-flanges different cable diam eters
For cable
diameter [mm]
Suitable for
cable entry
Type Ordering number Weight
Knock-out OEZXPE OEZXRE037 1SCA022399R0980 0.16 25SET 1SCA022713R3700
M 14...16
Knock-out 22,5 OEZXPE OEZXRE023 1SCA022399R0800 0.5
800 230 0EZXPE280 1SCA022399R0210 3.8
400 230 0EZXPE240 1SCA022399R0040 1.2
Ring-flanges for steel sheet enclosed EMC safety switches
size [mm]
Suitable for
cable entry
Type Ordering number Weight
R ing-flange covers ith knock-ou openings
Knock-out 20,5 OEZXPE OEZXRE020 1SCA022656R8480 0. With the help plate extension the plastic shrink sock can mounted over the
ring-flange and the cable.5
...5, 25.40
Size suitable Number holes Type Ordering number Weight
cable entry for ring-flanges
W [mm] [pcs] [kg]
B lank entries, flange entries
2 180 0EZXPE120 1SCA022398R9970 0.5 and 40.16
Knock-out 40,5 OEZXPE OEZXRE040 1SCA022656R8640 0.59 OEZXPE OEZXRE158 1SCA022399R1360 0.35 OEZXPE OEZXRE134 1SCA022399R1010 0.51 OEZXPE OEZXRE150 1SCA022399R1280 0..5
2) Includes knock-outs 10, 12. IP67
Thread able DIA [mm] Type Ordering number
M 5..5 and 32.21 32SET 1SCA022713R3960
M 40SET 1SCA022734R5040
M 59..8 16SET 1SCA022713R4000
M 8.30
Plate extension for ring-flanges
Screws included the delivery.44 OEZXPE OEZXRE143 1SCA022399R1100 0.
For ring-flanges Dimensions
Type Ordering number
O EZXRE134 and
49 EZXX143R 1SCA022350R3820
O 150and
70 EZXX158R 1SCA022350R3910
Compression glands, EMC, metallic
Includes the locking nuts.45
31....5, 20.5, 25.16
Knock-out 25,5 OEZXPE ÜEZXRE025 1SCA022656R8560 0..14 20SET 1SCA022713R3610
M 10.. Ring-flanges have ordered separately