ABB Odpínače 16-125A (160A) Přepínače 16-125A Inovovaná řada

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Vydal: ABB s.r.o, ELSYNN Autor: ABB ELSYnn

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Poznámky redaktora
.51 OEZXPE OEZXRE150 1SCA022399R1280 0..8 400 230 0EZXPE240 1SCA022399R0040 1.21 32SET 1SCA022713R3960 M 40SET 1SCA022734R5040 M 59.5, 25.45 31.30 Plate extension for ring-flanges Screws included the delivery. IP67 Thread able DIA [mm] Type Ordering number M 5. Ring-flanges have ordered separately.16 Knock-out 22,5 OEZXPE OEZXRE023 1SCA022399R0800 0.8 16SET 1SCA022713R4000 M 8.1 800 230 OEZXPE28R 1SCA022399R0630 3.16 Knock-out OEZXPE OEZXRE037 1SCA022399R0980 0..76 85SET 1SCA022727R1760 M 2/M 25/M 32SE 1SCA022722R3790 1) Includes knock-outs 10, 12..5, 25..44 OEZXPE OEZXRE143 1SCA022399R1100 0..5, 20.0 C able entries ith ring-flange entries, divided 2) 400 230 OEZXPE24R 1SCA022399R0470 1.5, 20.. For ring-flanges Dimensions A B Type Ordering number O EZXRE134 and O EZXRE143 49 EZXX143R 1SCA022350R3820 O 150and O EZXRE158 70 EZXX158R 1SCA022350R3910 Compression glands, EMC, metallic Includes the locking nuts...0 800 330 0EZXPE380 1SCA022399R0390 4.40 39.6 400 330 OEZXPE34R 1SCA022399R0550 2...5 and 40.59 OEZXPE OEZXRE158 1SCA022399R1360 0...5 and 32.5, 32.^ Accessories Ordering information O EZXRE020, 023, 025, 037, 040 EM SET 64 Cable entries for steel sheet enclosed EMC safety switches The cable entries are used for mounting the safety switches.16 R ing-flanges different cable diam eters For cable diameter [mm] Suitable for cable entry Type Ordering number Weight [kg] 22...5 2) Includes knock-outs 10, 12.2 Ring-flanges for steel sheet enclosed EMC safety switches Knock-out size [mm] Suitable for cable entry Type Ordering number Weight [kg] R ing-flange covers ith knock-ou openings Knock-out 20,5 OEZXPE OEZXRE020 1SCA022656R8480 0.35 46.14 20SET 1SCA022713R3610 M 10..16 25SET 1SCA022713R3700 M 14.2 800 330 OEZXPE38R 1SCA022399R0710 4..5 ABB 1SCC340006C0201 .5 800 230 0EZXPE280 1SCA022399R0210 3. With the help plate extension the plastic shrink sock can mounted over the ring-flange and the cable.16 Knock-out 40,5 OEZXPE OEZXRE040 1SCA022656R8640 0..35 OEZXPE OEZXRE134 1SCA022399R1010 0.16 Knock-out 25,5 OEZXPE ÜEZXRE025 1SCA022656R8560 0.. Size suitable Number holes Type Ordering number Weight cable entry for ring-flanges W [mm] [pcs] [kg] B lank entries, flange entries 2 180 0EZXPE120 1SCA022398R9970 0