ABB Odpínače 16-125A (160A) Přepínače 16-125A Inovovaná řada

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Vydal: ABB s.r.o, ELSYNN Autor: ABB ELSYnn

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Poznámky redaktora
.16 (M25) 2xM 32+1xM -LB SI2A 32+ 1ALM 1SCA022722R3520 0...16 - Cover plate, siluminium -LBSIU 1SCA022713R6120 0.25 B -flanges cable entries 15..26 16..49 0.26 0...26 0.14 10...40) KIM13-1 K 13-2 1SEH 655267R 2050 1SEH 655267R 2060 0..30 Metallic, includes sealing gasket and fixing accessories, compression glands. - Cover plate, Fe, hot dip galvanized -LBFEU 1SCA022713R6040 0.. Suitable cable size [mm] For cable entries/ Compression glands Type Ordering number Weight [kg] C -flanges 20...90, T90A .20 8....27 2xM 20 4xM 25 3xM 32 2xM 40 -LB SI2A 20 -LB SI4A 25 -LB SI3A 32 -LB SI2A 40 1SCA022713R6210 1SCA022713R6390 1SCA022713R6550 1SCA022713R6630 0...65 2x(20. Remarks Suitable for cable entries Type Ordering number Weight [kg] O hole for ring- flanges and knock-outs 0 21, 23, 29 O EZXP__C OEZXC1R 1SCA022281R3560 0..65) KIG-221-1 K -221-2 1SEH 650052R 6713 1SEH 650052R 6714 0. Steel..22 0..40 R ing-flange adapters for -flang entries, Alum inium alloy Mounting set for the flange included: screws, nuts and seal which extruded into the flanges.....1600, T36EA.26 10.72 C -flan cover - OEZXP__C 1SCA022277R6420 0.16 16..21 18.22 C able inlet 15...53 Two holes for ring-flanges and one with threads OEZXP__C OEZXC2R 1SCA022281R3720 0..55 Drilling guide 0 (KIG-221-1 flqG-221-2) 0A 0B| E K (15-45mm) 4,5 82 6170,5 KIG (2Q-65mm)| 5,5 [100 85 KIG-221-1 and -221-2 KIG-1 and KIG-2 OEZXC2R ABB 49 1SCC340006C0201 .40 2x(15..26 0.75EA, T63D B C-flanges for cable entries Mounting set for the flange included: screws, nuts and seal that extruded into the flanges...20 0. 65....45 20.r Enclosure accessories Ordering information K -13-2 -LPBSIU -LB SI2A 40 KIG-1 KIG-2 OEZXC1R OEZX2R Cable flanges for steel sheet enclosures, O TL75..21 32)/ 10. Ring-flanges have ordered separately.65 See the picture below KIG-1 KIG-2 1SEH650052R6711 1SEH 650052R 6712 0.16 3xM 25+ 1xM (Blank plug) -LB SI3A 25+ 1TM 1SCA022722R3610 0