ABB Odpínače 16-125A (160A) Přepínače 16-125A Inovovaná řada

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Odpínače 16...125A popis vlastností technické parametry | Odpínače OT 16...125F s montáží na základnu nebo DIN lištu | výběrová tabulka objednací údaje rozměrové výkresy | Odpínače OT s montáží do panelu výběrová tabulka objednací údaje rozměrové výkresy ...

Vydal: ABB s.r.o, ELSYNN Autor: ABB ELSYnn

Strana 355 z 526

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Poznámky redaktora
.02 O T90A.02 O T200.5 mm2 Insulation voltage 690 690 V Operational current different voltages, (IEC 60947-5-1) AC-15 230 - 400 - 415 - 690 - AC-12 120 A 240 A 400.12 Technical data auxiliary contacts: OA_ OBEA_ ZXK _ Protection class 20 Rated thermal current lth A Cable cross section, max.12 1nc 0A3G 1SCA022456R7410 0.5 mm2 2..02 1nc 01A 1SCA022185R3730 0.. num ber auxiliary contacts, see the ordering information tables.5 mm2 Cable cross section, min.. For safety switch Auxiliary contact Mounting to the side of the switch Type Ordering number Delivery batch [pcs] Weight [kg] 0T 0TE_, 0T16..500 A 690 A DC-12 A 72 1,9 A 125 1,1 A 250 0,55 0,55 A 440 0,1 0,31 A 500 0,27 A 600 0,2 A 11Types _AU for extremely difficult circumstances, even low voltages.415 A 480.160_ 1no 10A 1SCA022185R3310 0.03 13 41 0T (6-pole) ^ 14 42 2no+2nc 1SCA022131R8850 0.75 mm2 0..03 0T _ 14 22 1nc left 1SCA022353R4890 0..160 1nc 0BEA01 1SCA022190R3260 0.1250 1no 1SCA022353R4970 0. 0. Additional auxiliary contacts can mounted the safety switches, or they can changed another contact function.03 21 0T 90A .. For the max. ABB 45 1SCC340006C0201 ... The type and ordering number are for one piece.90E Snap-on mounting the switch, the auxiliary contacts (OA1G10) open before the main contacts..10 4no 43 1 » v m 14 44 0 1SCA022131R9400 0.03 0T 0TL_, 3- and 4-pole 13 21 { ^N14 2 1no+1nc left 1SCA022379R8100 0. The contacts are gold plated..12 2no 2,3 v t V4 24 0 1SCA022131R9230 0... 2. For Auxiliary safety switches contact Type Ordering number Delivery batch [pcs] Weight [kg] I 1no 1SCA022190R3000 0..90E f i_21 1no right 1SCA022353R4970 0.06 Auxiliary contacts for safety switches OT90A..02 0T 200 .r Accessories Ordering information 0A 01 0A 10 0A3G 01 0A 11 0B A %0Z _ Auxiliary contacts Auxiliary contacts for safety switches OTP_, OTE_ and OT16...1000 Early break-type contacts (I-0)