ABB Odpínače 16-125A (160A) Přepínače 16-125A Inovovaná řada

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Vydal: ABB s.r.o, ELSYNN Autor: ABB ELSYnn

Strana 350 z 526

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Poznámky redaktora
There is also lock frame available, which can provided with key locking for Castell, Lowe&Fletcher Ronis. order prevent operating mistakes, they can be equipped with various locking devices. Electrical interlocking with push button, which installed the door the enclosure, for operating the safety switch is available accessory. All handles the enclosed switches can equipped with padlocks, which prevent the operating O-position. Although the safety switch DC-23 utilization category able break full motor current (4xIe), using the safety switch motor controller not recommended. The bigger safety switches are DC-20-categorized This means that the switch shall not operated when loaded.The operating principle safety switches There are two switch disconnectors in DC safety switches: one for the main circuit and the other for the excitation circuit and control circuit auxiliary contacts.o. auxiliary contacts the utilization category\DC-23 safety switch have earlybreak feature, meaning that they open before the contacts the safety switch-------- Connecting the auxiliary contacts to the rectifier bridge control circuit recommended, because it enables the currentless operation the safety switch to OFF-position. 40 1SCC340006C0201 ABB . The switch disconnectors are mechanically interlocked that they can be perated only the right order: From O-position to I-position: first the switch the excitation circuit and then the switch of the main circuit. Furthermore, connecting the interlocking coil the control unit the rectifier bridge, the breaking full DC-load can prevented. A handle that can padlocked into both positions is available request. Interlocking The n. From I-position to O-position^fifst the switch the main circuit and then the switch of the magnetizing circuit