ABB Odpínače 16-125A (160A) Přepínače 16-125A Inovovaná řada

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Vydal: ABB s.r.o, ELSYNN Autor: ABB ELSYnn

Strana 320 z 526

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Poznámky redaktora
Also N-term inal to size OTP90_. Max..96 22 2xM 50+M 1no 2no+2nc TP75T4M 1SCA022812R3010 2.2 22 1no 2no+2nc TP90T6U 1SCA022430R2460 3.0 55 110 132 160 2xII-flange 4no+2nc 4no+2nc T200KFCC6T 1SCA022260R5530 21 75 132 160 200 2xII-flange 4no+2nc 4no+2nc T250KFCC6T 1SCA022276R9480 21 90 160 200 250 2xII-flange 4no+2nc 4no+2nc T315KFCC6T 1SCA022277R0060 21 110 220 280 355 2xII-flange 4no+2nc 4no+2nc T400D C6T 1SCA022277R0650 29 180 355 400 560 2xII-flange 2no+2nc 2no+2nc T630KFCC6T 1SCA022277R1200 31 P g-threads available request 2no |13 ■ŕ21 33 1nc = V 4 22 ^34 1no 1no 1nc I13 \14 1) ABB 1SCC340006C0201 .5 22 1no 2no+2nc TP75T4U 1SCA022401R0840 2.5 Knock-out flanges, flanges have ordered separately 22 I-flange 1no 2no+2nc TP75T4B 1SCA022383R0860 2.0 Plastic enclosed safety switches, 6-pole, IP65 Cable entries from top and bottom The delivery includes black rectangular (OTP16.90) pistol (OT125.) type handle (I-O FF), PE-term inals and auxiliary contacts according the following table.5 7.5 22 I-flange 1no 2no+2nc TP90T4B 1SCA022430R1310 2... Max. [kW] [kW] [kW] [kW] [kg] Threaded knock-out openings, also for control cables, compression glands have ordered separately 5.7 7. motor output Cable Auxiliary Auxiliary Type Ordering number Weight AC-23A outlets contacts contacts 2 3 o V 4 O O V tS o 690V side11 included max.3 110 220 280 355 II-flange 2no+1nc 2no+1nc T400D C4T 1SCA022623R3970 17...630 Plastic enclosed safety switches, 4-pole, IP65 Cable entries from top and bottom The delivery includes black rectancular (OTP16.5 22 1no 2no+2nc TP90T4U 1SCA022401R0840 2.2 22 1no 2no+2nc TP75T6U 1SCA022401R2030 3.36) pistol (OTP75.5 7.3 90 160 200 250 II-flange 2no+1nc 2no+1nc T315KFCC4T 1SCA022367R9510 9.7 45 II-flange 1no+1nc 1no+1nc T160EFCC4T 1SCA022302R5660 7.5 7. [kW] [kW] [kW] [kW] [kg] Threaded knock-out openings, also for control cables, compression glands have ordered separately 5.96 11 2xM 32+M 1no 2no+2nc TP36T4M 1SCA022401R0760 0.2 11 2xM 32+M 1no 1no+1nc TP36T6M 1SCA022401R1900 1.. motor output Cable Auxiliary Auxiliary Type Ordering number Weight AC-23A outlets contacts contacts 230V 400V 500V 690V side1 included max.5 2xM 32+M 1no 2no+2nc TP25T4M 1SCA022401R0680 0.2 Knock-out flanges, flanges have ordered separately 22 I-flange 1no 2no+2nc TP75T6B 1SCA022371R3040 3...^ Safety switches Ordering information OTP16T_ OTP25T_ OTP36T_ OTP75T_ OTP90T_ O T90A .5 22 2xM 50+M 1no 2no+2nc TP90T4M 1SCA022812R3190 2.2 30 II-flange 2no+2nc 2no+2nc T90AFCC6T 1SCA022260R3590 7..0 37 II-flange 2no+2nc 2no+2nc T125EFCC6T 1SCA022260R5110 8.5 7.3 55 110 132 160 II-flange 2no+1nc 2no+1nc T200KFCC4T 1SCA022367R9430 9.2 22 I-flange 1no 2no+2nc TP90T6B 1SCA022430R2380 3.5 7.3 75 132 160 200 II-flange 2no+1nc 2no+1nc T250KFCC4T 1SCA022619R2250 9.5 2xM 25+M 1no 2no+2nc TP16T4M 1SCA022401R0500 0.5 2xM 32+M 1no 1no+1nc TP25T6M 1SCA022401R1810 1.2 22 2xM 50+M 1no 2no+2nc TP75T6M 1SCA022812R3270 3.) type handle (I-O FF), PE-term inals and auxiliary contacts according the following table.5 2xM 25+M 1no 1no+1nc TP16T6M 1SCA022401R1730 0.0 45 II-flange 2no+2nc 2no+2nc T160EFCC6T 1SCA022299R0260 8..2 22 2xM 50+M 1no 2no+2nc TP90T6M 1SCA022812R3350 3.53 7.5 7. Also N-term inal size OTP90_.5 Knock-out flanges, flanges have ordered separately 37 II-flange 1no+1nc 1no+1nc T125EFCC4T 1SCA022483R0050 5