ABB Odpínače 16-125A (160A) Přepínače 16-125A Inovovaná řada

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Vydal: ABB s.r.o, ELSYNN Autor: ABB ELSYnn

Strana 296 z 526

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Poznámky redaktora
.17 Grey 125 OT630_ OHG125J12 1SCA022381R1640 0.250_ OHG80J6 1SCA022381R0320 100 0. Handles padlockable all positions available request.12 Yellow-red OTDC100.400 OHY95J12T 1SCA022736R1910 0.17 Yellow-red 125 OT630_ OHY125J12 1SCA022381R1720 0..400_ OHY95J12 1SCA022381R1050 0....17 Yellow-red 145 OT630_ OHY145J12 1SCA022381R2370 0.....250_ OHY65J6 1SCA022380R9820 100 0.14 Yellow-red OTDC100..250 OHB65J6 1SCA022380R9660 100 0. OHB_ S00601A Handle Suitable Delivery eight/ length for batch unit Colour [mm] switches Type Order number [pcs] [kg] For shaft diam eter mm, indication types OHB and OHY: I-0, ON-OFF, types OHG: I-0. The type and the ordering num bers are for one piece...35 For shaft diam eter mm, indication: Test-O FF-O N/Test-0-I Black OT315.250_ OHY65J6T 1SCA022456R9540 100 0..250_ OHG65J6 1SCA022380R9740 100 0.16 Black 125 OT630_ OHB125J12 1SCA022381R1560 0.12 Grey OTDC100. Black OTDC100..17 Grey 145 OT630_ OHG145J12 1SCA022381R2290 0.14 For shaft diam eter mm, indication: Test-O FF-O N/Test-0-I Black OTDC100.12 Yellow-red OTDC100..250_ OHY80J6 1SCA022381R0410 100 0. screw the front ensures double insulation.400 OHB95J12T 1SCA022736R1750 0.16 Yellow-red OT315.Ordering information Accessories OHY_ S00836A Pistol type handles OH_ handles: 65, NEMA 1,3R, 12 P adlockable ith three padlocks FF-position, door interlock -position. This can defeated IP65 types allow authorized personnel access for inspection.12 Black OTDC100.14 Grey OTDC100.16 Black 125 OT630 OHB125J12T 1SCA022652R2220 0.12 For shaft diam eter mm, indication OHB and OHY: I-0, ON-OFF, types OHG: I-G Black OT315.. Screw fixing from the back side the handle.250_ OHB65J6T 1SCA022399R8110 100 0.17 Door interlocking ON-position means that the door can not opened, when the handle ON-position.....17 Yellow-red 125 OT630_ OHY125J12T 1SCA022652R2310 0.17 Black 2x150 OT630_ OHB150J12P 1SCA022865R9430 0..250_ OHB80J6 1SCA022381R0240 100 0.16 Grey OT315. NEMA pistol handles available request...400_ OHB95J12 1SCA022381R0830 0..17 Black 145 OT630_ OHB145J12 1SCA022381R2110 0..400_ OHG95J12 1SCA022381R0910 0. 18 Ordering information Switches for applications ..16 Yellow-red OT315