ABB Odpínače 16-125A (160A) Přepínače 16-125A Inovovaná řada

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Vydal: ABB s.r.o, ELSYNN Autor: ABB ELSYnn

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Poznámky redaktora
current [A] DC 21B 1GGG Type Order number W t unit [kg] Includes selector type red-yellow handle (I-0 and ON-OFF indication) 3 OTDCP16SA12M 1SCA125150R1001 0.55 Includes selector type black handle (I-0 and ON-OFF indication) 2 OTDCP16S11M 1SCA125129R1001 0.55 2 OTDCP25S11M 1SCA125130R1001 0. M threaded kno ck-ou available request.59 3 OTDCP32S12M 1SCA125155R1001 0.55 2 OTDCP32S11M 1SCA125131R1001 0.59 Includes selector type black handle (I-0 and ON-OFF indication) 3 OTDCP16S12M 1SCA125153R1001 0.63 4 OTDCP32SA22M 1SCA125090R1001 0.55 2 OTDCP25SA11M 1SCA125127R1001 0.59 3 OTDCP25S12M 1SCA125154R1001 0.63 1) 1000 with all poles series, 660 with poles series + 14 Ordering information Switches for applications .63 4 OTDCP25S22M 1SCA125092R1001 0.63 4 OTDCP32S22M 1SCA125093R1001 0.55 2 OTDCP32SA11M 1SCA125128R1001 0. t of current [A] unit poles 21B 1GGG Type Order number [kg] Includes selector type red-yellow handle (I-0 and ON-OFF indication) 4 OTDCP16SA22M 1SCA125094R1001 0.Ordering information Plastic enclosed switch-disconnectors OTDCP_SA_ Plastic enclosed switch-disconnectors OTDCP OTDCP_S_ M threaded knock-outs, com pression glands have ordered separately. Up 660 VDC Number of poles Rated operat. i current [A] j DC 21B 660 Type Order number W t unit [kg] Includes selector type red-yellow handle (I-0 and ON-OFF indication) 2 OTDCP16SA11M 1SCA125126R1001 0.59 Up VDC 2x660 VDC1) Number Rated operat.63 Includes selector type black handle (I-0 and ON-OFF indication) 4 OTDCP16S22M 1SCA125095R1001 0.59 3 OTDCP32SA12M 1SCA125152R1001 0.59 3 OTDCP25SA12M 1SCA125151R1001 0.55 OTDCP VDC I:)1 ‘-C -1 Load OTDCP 12 t s 4 ia 4244-i'‘-CU-1 Load OTDCP_22_ 5 )4244-iU8 —□ — Load Number of poles Rated operat.63 4 OTDCP25SA22M 1SCA125091R1001 0